DC Circuit


1. Voltage should be measured for all the resistors, as well as the total voltage.

2. Current should be measured for all the resistors, as well as the total current.


If you are taking photos for explaining your lab setup, you should take at least two photos, one is to measure the total voltage/current, another is to measure the voltage/current in the branch.


The bulb should be non-ohmic, if you get an ohmic bulb: you should try a wider range of input voltages, and the bulb should be turned on so the energy is dissipated as light (also change the measurement range for the voltage/current for more precise values), which then would not give an ohmic/linear relationship between the voltage and current.

LINEST results:

If you put the LINEST table in your report, it is your responsibility to explain all the information to the readers, not just presenting a table without any label. I didn't take off your points for not explaining this for this time (just to make you feel not so bad in the midterm week), but I will do that in the future --- for an official report, you should assume that the readers will get everything from your tables/plots with the help of the table/figure legends, not guessing that, even though the output format of LINEST table is defined and can be easily googled.

Testing the goodness of linear fit:

1. Compare the R-squared value between a linear fit and a power fit for the light bulb.

2. Compare the linear fit R-squared values between that of the resistor and of the light bulb.