Distraction and Reaction Time

0. Before Lab: How to make histogram (pdf, video).


a) You are REQUIRED to use the equation editor in Word (Insert -> Equation) while writing an equation, and SIMPLIFY your equation.

b) You are REQUIRED to adopt the proper format of tables and figures in your report (see Item 3 below).

Comments on Lab 3 reports:

1. Relationship between height and time:

Since for a motion with constant acceleration


when we choose a coordinate frame that the initial position is zero, and the initial velocity is zero, the relationship could be transcribed as


Specifically, for this lab, the relationship becomes


2. Error propagation:



we have


3. Tables and Figures:

This website gives you the detailed information about making tables and figures in your report.

Here's some brief examples from the website:

  • Please do not forget the red parts in the examples, and align the tables/figures to the center in your report.
  • Never include titles in your figure (The sentence above the figure by the default settings of Excel --- delete it!), since figure legends will convey all the information.

(a) Table:

Footnotes are not required if there is nothing to note.

(b) Figure: