Conservation of Momentum


Please write the conservation equations in your derivation.

1) From the conservation equations for momentum and energy,


you will get


2) From


we get


3) For inelastic motion, the equation for conservation of momentum is,


Thus, the energy loss fraction is,



Don't forget answering the questions in the assignment!

Uncertainty Sources:

1. Tilting of the track;

2. Rubber band is not perfectly converting the energy;

3. etc.


Google "linearize data" to discover more!



we let


then the first equation becomes


Take natural logarithm of both side, then you will get


If we take the transformation


then the relationship becomes


which is a linear relationship! Then you can use LINEST to estimate the coefficient.

(Note: Natural Logarithm can only be applied to non-negative values. In this case, when there's negative value, you can add a negative sign on both sides to make them non-negative!)