Analysis with Spreadsheets

1. Before submission, please fill in the correct name for "Submission Title": you have named your PDF files using the correct naming style, but the title shown on the Blackboard will be what you typed when you submit files.

2. Don't forget to email me the correct file (PDF exported from Excel, but someone sent a wrong file.). Next time, there will be two entries to submit your reports: one is for report, the other is for data.

3. Before exporting Excel documents, please rescale the widths of the columns, otherwise the content may be too long, some important information will be lost.

4. Don't include x-axis error while comparing the actual and measured accelerations.

5. I've followed the rubric strictly this time, especially on the data file including figures, but someone got 1 extra point if they have extraordinary performance on the style of Excel or report.

6. You'd better rearrange your contents in an Excel file before exporting to PDFs, otherwise although exporting by scale can include all the information, the style is hardly acceptable -- if you print them out, the shrank fonts will make your PDF ugly. GOOGLE HOW TO DO IT!