Technical Skills

  • Hardware development: Power semiconductor device and topology selection, designing and developing power converters, various power supplies, sensor circuits design and calibration, integrating converters in powertrain and EV chargers.

  • Embedded programming: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Texas Instruments C2000 processors, DSpace 1103

  • Algorithm development: Developing and implementing control algorithm for converters for application and battery chargers and integrating into powertrain

  • Electronic Design Automation and Simulation: MATLAB, Simulink, SciLab, Eagle (PCB design)

  • Programming: C, MATLAB, VBA, Python

  • Documentation and presentation: LaTex, Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint

  • Data analysis and visualisation: OrginLab, Microsoft Excel, MATLAB and Python packages

  • Computer Operating System: Windows, Linux.


  • Language:

    • Hindi- Mother tongue

    • English- Full professional proficiency

  • Social skills:

    • Team player: Developed by working on different projects of E-mobility lab, voluntary contributions to various positions of responsibilities during bachelors and PhD.

    • Leadership: Developed while maneuvering and completing different projects of E-mobility lab, and voluntary contributions as a leader to various positions of responsibilities during bachelors and PhD.

    • Independent thinker: Developed working as a core team member and a leader in projects undertaken by E-mobility lab and voluntary contributions to organisations and student bodies.

    • Communication and Networking: Developed while working on various industry sponsored projects of E-mobility lab, voluntary contributions to various positions of responsibilities during bachelors and PhD, and as a Promoter of Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.