1. Design and prototyping of a smart electric vehicle charger

September 2019 to Present

Sponsoring Agency: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Supervisor: Prof Dr.-Ing. Praveen Kumar


  • Designed and developed power converters viz. DC-DC and AC to DC and DC to AC

  • Designed and developed signal conditioning circuits for sensors viz. current, voltage and temperature

  • Component selection, prototyping and testing of power converters and circuit modules in different types of PCBs viz. FR4 and metal clad

  • Designed and developed battery charger systems and parameter estimation for BMS

  • Designing of schematic layout, netlist, footprint creation, placement, routing & Gerber data for PCB design and manufacturing

  1. Design of 25 kVA inverter to drive induction motor

July 2020 to December 2020

Sponsoring Agency: E-Mobility Lab, IIT Guwahati

Supervisor: Prof Dr.-Ing. Praveen Kumar


  • Design, development, and testing of a high current metal-clad PCB inverter for the testing of IM prototypes

  1. ALBELA (Assistant for Learning Basic Electronics with AI)

February 2019 to December 2019

Sponsoring Agency: Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Supervisor: Prof Dr.-Ing. Praveen Kumar and Prof. Samarendra Dandapat


  • Developed a chatbot using IBM Cloud services such as Watson Assistant, Discovery, Knowledge Studio, functions, SQL Query, Cloudant for the first-year bachelor students to support the teaching of the EE101 course titled “Basic electrical sciences”.

  • Improvised the chatbot based on user feedback and metrices such as dialogue efficiency metric, dialogue quality metric, user satisfaction and dialogue cost based on PARADISE framework of chatbot evaluation.

  • Documented a manuscript titled “Conceptualization, Development, and Evaluation of a Chatbot for Teaching Courses in University” which is under review in the transactions on Learning technologies since August 2020.

  1. Smart Designer (Intelligent tool to improve the sales estimation system)

August 2018 to November 2019

Sponsoring Agency: Rotating Machinery System Division, Toshiba Mitsubishi Electric Industrial Corporation (TMEIC) Japan

Supervisor: Prof Dr.-Ing. Praveen Kumar and team from TMEIC Japan


  • Developed the software architecture of the intelligent quotation system using UML 2.5

  • Integrated an RHEL based server to communicate with the VBA for computing parameters of motors.

  • Implemented various algorithms to compute the parameters of the machine based on the inputs of the user.

  • Developed optimisation algorithm for the machine design based on the motor design data available in the database.

  1. Development of an E-Scooter

Aug 2017 to Dec 2018

Sponsoring Agency: NFTDC Hyderabad

Supervisor: Prof Dr.-Ing. Praveen Kumar


  • Designed and prototyped a high-power three-phase inverter for integration into the drivetrain for E-Scooter.

  • Developed and implemented control of the high-power three-phase inverter using Arduino Duo to integrate a 48 V battery pack in the drivetrain.