Activity 1

Big Data - Dashboards

Have you ever used big data or interacted with data dashboards? For those who have, do you find it useful? If you have followed the 2020 US Presidential elections, you have likely used an interactive map of the 50 states, where clicking on each state has brought up the current, up-to-the-minute polling results in that state. That map was created and linked to databases with data analytics software tools called dashboards.

The following dashboard examples are from Stats Canada and Tableau. Please take a few minutes to interact with the dashboards then complete the quiz at the bottom of the page. Hint: mouse over the graphics to find clickable buttons.

a 'Viz' - an interactive vizualization

The interactive graphic below is from Holon IQ, generated as an output from Holon IQ's dashboard. Called a Visualization (a "Viz" to those in the biz), they are a key feature of robust data analytics tools. note: this website may not display the viz completely--in which case, go to the original webpage to interact with it fully:

Activity 1 quiz and Deep thoughts

To answer the questions in the quiz, interact with the first two dashboards, and the interactive graphic (viz) above. Below the quiz, please also share your responses to the activity on the form that follows.

Deep Thoughts on Dashboards (New Responses)