
What is Big Data?

How does it relate to Learning Analytics?

"Big Data" is a phrase that is tossed around everywhere in education circles today. But what does it mean? If you Google the term, “big data”, it is defined as “extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.” (Lexico, 2020)

"Learning Analytics"
is the "measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs." (SoLAR, 2020)

Big Data:

The video below provides a brief overview of Big Data. It will help you understand what Big Data is, the 5V's of Big Data, and the implementation of Big Data through various use cases. There is a quiz at the end of the video and the answers can be found on the YouTube link. You can also contribute your thoughts to their question, "What do you think will be the most significant impact of Big Data on the future," in the comments section.

Learning Analytics:

As mentioned earlier, Learning Analytics are the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, In order to understand and optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs. (SoLAR, 2020) This short animated video explains the basic concept for educators and gives some tips on how to evaluate learning analytics systems.

Big Data in Education - Why?

  • Predict future student performance (based on past patterns of learning across diverse student bodies)

  • Intervene when students are struggling to provide unique feedback tailored to their answers

  • Personalize the learning process for each and every student, playing to their strengths and encouraging improvement

  • Adapt teaching and learning styles via socialization, pedagogy and technology

What is the difference between
Academic Analytics and Learning Analytics?

A comparison of the two types of analytics used in the educational market is below:

The current landscape of learning analytics is shifting towards a deeper focus and understanding of learning experiences. Learning analytics supports the learning process. The image below summarizes how the process of learning analytics analyzes trends from student-generated data to make predictions. The goal is to optimize learning.

Ethics and Privacy

"You don't have to give up privacy to maximize the value and use of data", says Ted Myerson."

"Privacy laws greatly restrict the sharing of medical data, which prevents researchers around the world from collaborating to find cures for diseases. However, there is a way to change how the data is shared that maintains privacy, so that researchers can look beyond their own labs and breakthroughs can happen. This method can also be applied to educational data" (Myerson, 2016).