Online Unit Review and Final Test

🎆Congratulations on making it through 🎆 Now it's time to show me what you've got 🎆

At the beginning of the unit we planned to:

Investigate and understand scientific concepts related to the origin and evolution of the universe including:

  • the Big Bang Theory
  • Steady State Theory
  • String Theory

Can you?

    • Determine how matter emerged from the primeval fireball?
    • Summarize the leading evolutionary models of the universe?
    • Explain how the age of the universe is determined and discuss the uncertainties involved with this determination?

Below is the link to a practice test on Quizizz. It is a participation grade and, as always, an excellent review for your test! 😉

Take the practice test as many times as you wish. You must take it at least once. If you need further explanation to any questions, feel free to ask Mrs. Wright and go back to the readings and videos! The Hall of Fame has some good review, too.


  1. Take the practice test
  2. Go to (link)
  3. Enter code: 716858
  4. Login as your block number followed by your last name- for example- 1wright

When you are ready for the test, see Mrs. Wright.

When you are finished, Please take this COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS online unit survey.