Program Structure

08:00-08:30 (am)

    • Opening - Workshop Introduction
    • Minute of madness – Oral presentation of posters

08:30-09:30 - Session 1 - Urban mobility

    • Felipe Rooke Da Silva, Alex Borges Vieira, Jussara M. Almeida, Idilio Drago and Victor Aquiles. Characterizing the client usage pattern and the service demand of a two-way car sharing system
    • Luke Rodriguez, Babak Salimi, Haoyue Ping, Julia Stoyanovich and Bill Howe. MobilityMirror: Bias-Adjusted Synthetic Transportation Datasets
    • Wender Zacarias Xavier and Humberto Torres Marques Neto. MODAL - A Platform for Mobility Analyses Using Open Datasets

09:30-10:30 - Session 2 – Urban sensoring

    • Sergio Lifschitz, Rafael Pereira De Oliveira, Markus Endler, Marcos Roriz and Felipe Oliveira Carvalho. Mensageria : A Smart City Framework for Real-time Analysis of Traffic Data Streams
    • Marcos Aurélio Carrero, Martin A. Musicante, Aldri Luiz Dos Santos and Carmem Satie Hara. SLEDS: A DSL for Data-Centric Storage on Wireless Sensor Networks
    • Leonardo Da Silva and Thiago Silva. Extraction and Exploration of Business Categories Signatures

10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break – Poster session (odd numbers)

11:00-12:30 – Keynote: Landscape of Practical Blockchain Systems and Their Applications

    • Dr. C. Mohan (IBM Almaden Research Center & Tsinghua University)

12:30-02:00 (pm) - Lunch break

02:00-03:30 – Panel: Social Computing for Smarter Cities

    • Panelists: Bill Howe (University of Washington), Elaine Rabello (FIOCRUZ and Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Gabriela Ruberg (Central Bank of Brazil), and Sihem Amer-Yahia (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)
    • Moderator: Mirella Moro (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

03:30-04:00 - Coffee Break – Poster session (even numbers)

04:00-05:20 - Session 3 and 4

    • Session 3 – Contemporary Social Problems
      • Jonathas Gabriel Dipp Harb, Karin Becker. Comparing emotional reactions to terrorism events on Twitter
      • Leticia Dias Verona, Giseli Lopes and Maria Luiza Machado Campos. Using government data to uncover political power and influence of contemporary slavery agents in Brazil
    • Session 4 – Collaboration and Crowdsourcing
      • Ana Clara Correa, Eliel Roger, Tiago Cruz França, José Orlando Gomes and Jonice Oliveira. CidadeSocial: an application to support the exchange of information among citizens
      • Pablo Florentino and Gilberto Corso Pereira. Structures of interactions and data in urban networks: the case of
      • Jose Guilherme Mayworm, Fabricio Firmino, Jonice Oliveira and Claudio De Farias. DMEK: Improving Profile Matching in Opportunistic Collaborations

05:20-05:30 - Closing Session