Accepted Posters

1. Rodrigo Campos, Rodrigo Pereira Dos Santos and Jonice Oliveira. Using Multilayer Social Networks in an Analysis of Higher Education for Professional Demand

2. Antonio M R Almeida, Jose A F Macedo and Javam C Machado. Optimization of urban semaphore times turning into JSSP

3. Wallace Pinheiro, Geraldo Xexeo, Jano Souza, Ana Bárbara Pinheiro and Ciro Gomes. Strategy for Generation of Knowledge through Automatic Correlation of Dimensional Data in Star Schema: Application in the Context of Leishmaniasis

4. Gabriel Spadon and Jose Fernando Rodrigues Jr.. Computer-assisted city touring for explorers

5. Emanuele Nunes de Lima Figueiredo Jorge, Claudio Miceli de Farias, Igor Leão Dos Santos and Mario Sergio de Souza Pereira. An analysis of the network of rural producers in the state of Rio de Janeiro

6. Yuri Lima, Wallace Pinheiro, Carlos Eduardo Barbosa, Sérgio Rodrigues, Jano Souza, Jacson Hwang, Pedro Henrique Bruno, Eduardo Cesar Gomes, Miriam Chaves and Geraldo Xexéo. Multi-criteria Analysis applied to the inspection of Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding places

7. Gabriel Rodrigues Caldas de Aquino, Claudio Miceli de Farias and Luci Pirmez. Data Quality assessment and enhancement on Social and Sensor Data

8. Kesia Olimpio Braga Mamede, Rafael Elias De Lima Escalfoni and Jonice Oliveira. Applying a Social Network Perspective to Identify Social and Technological Aspects in the Startup Ecosystems of State of Rio de Janeiro

9. Filipe Lautert, Tatiane Lautert, Nadia P. Kozievitch and Luiz Gomes-Jr. Is the location of Public Health Units in Curitiba meeting the citizen's needs?

10. Anderson Cordeiro and Jonice Oliveira. Checking fake news on web browsers: an approach using collaborative datasets

11. Hercules Sandim, Danilo Azevedo, Ana Paula Couto Da Silva and Mirella M. Moro. The Role of Social Capital in Information Diffusion over Twitter: a Study Case over Brazilian posts

12. Gabriel Martins de Oliveira Costa, Marcos Araujo, Tiago Cruz De França Cruz de França and Claudio Miceli de Farias. Heimdall - Internet of Things (IoT) Platform for Data Retrieval

13. Livia Ruback and Jonice Oliveira. Analyzing polarization in Twitter: The murder of Brazilian councilwoman and activist Marielle Franco

14. Diogo Nolasco and Jonice Oliveira. Publish or Post: Identification of influences between science and society through intelligent systems

15. Julia Stoyanovich, Matthew Gilbride and Vera Moffitt. Case Study: Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal

16. Sergio Serra, Pedro Vieira Cruz and Ana Claudia Macedo Vieira. Vision Paper: Challenges and Opportunities of Social Computing in Urban Agriculture in Global North and South Countries