
Social Computing for Smarter Cities

Our inspiring speakers:

Sihem Amer-Yahia (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)

Sihem is a CNRS Research Director. Her interests are at the intersection of large-scale data management and social data exploration. Sihem held positions at QCRI, Yahoo! Research and at&t Labs. She served on the SIGMOD Executive Board, the VLDB Endowment, and the EDBT Board. She is Editor-in-Chief of the VLDB Journal. Sihem serves as co-chair of PVLDB 2018, WWW 2018 Tutorials and ICDE 2019 Tutorials.

Elaine Rabello (FIOCRUZ and Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

Psychologist, Master and Ph.D in Collective Health/Public Health, developing research in the field of science studies and health, focused on the dynamics of scientific knowledge circulation and its respective uses, benefits and consequences in a media- and technologic-oriented society.

Currently, I teach courses in social studies on health, qualitative research, scientific methods, social roles of the technology, the internet and the new media on health and bioethics. I also supervise masters and PhD projects about production and uses of scientific knowledge on health.

Gabriela Ruberg (Central Bank of Brazil)

Gabriela Ruberg is a passionate advocate of the power of information management for promoting society development. She has almost 25 years of experience with this subject in the public service and a D.Sc. degree in Software Engineering and Computer Science from COPPE/UFRJ. As of May, 2013, she is the head of the Information Governance Office of the Central Bank of Brazil, where she has been contributing to achieve several relevant results, especially in the open data program.

Bill Howe (University of Washington)

Bill Howe is an Associate Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington, with Adjunct appointments in the Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering. Howe served as Founding Associate Director of the UW eScience Institute, and currently directs UW Urbanalytics Lab studying data sharing systems for sensitive urban data. He founded the UW Data Science Masters Degree and the UW Data Science for Social Good program, created a first MOOC on data science that attracted over 200,000 students. His research has been featured in the Economist and Nature News, and has received award recognition in database, machine learning, and visualization conferences.


Mirella Moro (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Mirella M. Moro is associate professor at the Computer Science department at UFMG (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (University of California Riverside - UCR, 2007), and MSc and BSc in Computer Science as well (UFRGS, Brazil). She is a member of the ACM Education Council, ACM SIGMOD, ACM SIGCSE, ACM-W, IEEE, IEEE WIE, SBC, and MentorNet. She was the Education Director of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society, 2009-2015), the editor-in-chief of the electrocnic magazine SBC Horizontes (2008-2012), and associated editor of JIDM (2010-2012). Mirella has been working with research in Computer Science in the area of Databases since 1997. Her research interests include social networks analysis, query optimization, and hybrid SQL/NoSQL modeling. Her recent publications include papers on prestigious venues such as Scientometrics, Data & Knowledge Engineering, ACM Hypertext, IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence, TPDL, JCDL as well as JIDM and SBBD.