
Multiple Accounts Management

Bibo understands that many businesses have multiple accounts, each with unique needs and requirements. That's why it offers robust multiple accounts management capabilities. With Bibo, you can effortlessly manage and switch between different accounts, eliminating the need for multiple logins or separate systems. Whether you have multiple locations, franchises, or distinct business entities, Bibo provides a centralized platform to streamline operations and gain a holistic view of your entire business ecosystem.

Multiple Teams Management

Managing teams can be challenging, especially when you have multiple employees spread across different locations or departments. Bibo simplifies team management by allowing you to create and assign roles, set access levels, and track individual performance. With Bibo, you can easily schedule shifts, communicate with your staff, and monitor their productivity, ensuring a smooth workflow and maximizing operational efficiency.

Product Management

Efficiently managing your product inventory is crucial for any business. Bibo provides comprehensive product management capabilities, allowing you to effortlessly add, edit, and organize your products. You can set customized product attributes such as pricing, descriptions, categories, and variations. Bibo also supports barcode scanning, making inventory management a breeze. Stay on top of stock levels, easily restock products, and analyze product performance to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

Customer Management

Building strong relationships with your customers is essential for long-term success. Bibo's customer management features enable you to create and maintain a comprehensive customer database. Capture important customer information, track purchase history, and engage with your customers through personalized marketing campaigns. With Bibo, you can provide exceptional customer service, offer targeted promotions, and foster customer loyalty.

Orders Management

Efficiently managing orders is critical to ensuring smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Bibo's order management capabilities enable you to track and process orders with ease. From order creation to fulfillment and delivery, Bibo provides a seamless workflow. You can customize order statuses, generate packing slips, and track order progress in real-time. With Bibo, you'll never miss an order and can provide your customers with timely updates on their purchases.

Sales and Receipts Management

Bibo offers comprehensive sales and receipts management functionalities to help you track your business's financial performance. Generate detailed sales reports, view sales by product, time, or location, and gain insights into your business's revenue streams. Bibo also automates receipt generation, making it easy to provide digital or printed receipts to your customers. Stay organized and compliant with Bibo's efficient sales and receipts management system.


In today's data-driven world, having access to actionable insights is paramount. Bibo's powerful analytics module empowers you to make informed decisions and drive business growth. Gain deep insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and staff performance. Leverage Bibo's analytics to identify opportunities, optimize your operations, and tailor your marketing strategies to maximize profitability. With Bibo, you have a comprehensive analytics dashboard at your fingertips, providing real-time visibility into your business's performance.

Streamlined Point-of-Sale System

Bibo's primary focus is providing an intuitive and efficient point-of-sale experience. With its sleek and user-friendly interface, the app simplifies the sales process, enabling merchants to quickly and easily process transactions. Whether you operate a small boutique or a bustling retail chain, Bibo adapts to your needs, accommodating a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit cards, and mobile payments. Say goodbye to long queues and frustrated customers; Bibo ensures seamless transactions, keeping your customers satisfied and coming back for more.