PostDoc Researcher
Graduate Students
Jubin Kang, Lab Representative
MS-PhD Candidate from 2020. 9
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2020. 8
Research Topic: Pixel Architectures for I-TOF and SWIR image sensor
Office: R Building #821
Jung-Hye Hwang
MS-PhD Candidate from 2021. 3
BS in EE from UNIST in 2021. 2
Research Topic: Readout IC for CMOS Image Sensors
Office: R Building #821
Ki-Eop Hong
MS-PhD Candidate from 2022. 3
BS in EE from Kyungpook National University in 2022. 2
Research Topic: WDR CMOS Image Sensors
Office: R Building #821
Su-Hyun Park
MS-PhD Candidate from 2022. 9
BS in EE from UNIST in 2022. 8
Research Topic: Microelectrode array for in vitro neural recording
Office: TE Building #1008B
Yunji Hong
MS-PhD Candidate from 2023. 3
BS in EE from UNIST in 2023. 2
Research Topic: fNIRS system
Office: TE Building #1008B
Jaesung Lee
MS-PhD Candidate from 2024. 3
BS in EE from UNIST in 2024. 2
Research Topic: SPAD-Based HDR Sensor
Office: R Building #821
Jimin Ye
MS-PhD Candidate from 2024. 3
BS in EE from Kumoh National Institute of Technology in 2024. 2
Research Topic: CMOS image sensor for LiDAR
Office: R Building #821
Minsaeng Kang
MS Candidate from 2024. 3
BS in EE from Kyungpook National University in 2024. 2
Research Topic: Mixed-Signal IC
Office: TE Building #1008B
Yeong-Jin Mo
MS Candidate from 2024. 3
BS in EE from University of Ulsan in 2024. 2
Research Topic: Biomedical Instrument Amplifier
Office: TE Building #1008B
Junewoo Jeong
MS Candidate from 2025. 3
BS in EE from Chung-Ang University in 2024. 8
Research Topic: CMOS Image Sensor for LiDAR
Office: R Building #821
MS Candidate from 2025. 3
BS in EE from Inha University in 2025. 2
Research Topic: SWIR image sensor
Office: R Building #821
Jee-Ho Park
PostDoc in UNIST from 2024. 3 - 2024. 12
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2024. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 2
Research Topic: Sigma-delta-based current sensor for optogenetics
Current workplace: Samsung LSI
Seonghyeok Park
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2025. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2020. 2
Research Topic: CMOS image sensor for LiDAR
Current workplace: SolidVue
Jong-Beom Kim
MS in EE from UNIST in 2025. 2
BS in EE from Catholic University of Korea in 2023. 2
Research Topic: Spiking Neural Network w/ SPAD sensor
Current workplace: TBA
Yonjae Park
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2024. 8
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 8
Research Topic: Low noise analog-frond end
Current workplace: Samsung LSI
Jundong Yeo
MS in EE from UNIST in 2024. 8
BS in EE from Catholic University of Korea in 2022. 2
Research Topic: CMOS image sensor for LiDAR
Current workplace: SolidVue
Ji-Hyoung Cha
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2024. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 2
Research Topic: Microelectrode array for in vitro neural recording
Current workplace: PostDoc at Korea University
Su-Hyun Han
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2024. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 2
Research Topic: Time-to-Digital Converter for CMOS LiDAR sensors
Current workplace: Samsung Semiconductor Research
Bumjun Kim
PhD in EE from UNIST in 2022. 8
MS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 8
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2016. 8
Research Topic: CMOS image sensor for LiDAR
Current workplace: Samsung Semiconductor Research
In-Sang Son
MS in EE from UNIST in 2024. 2
BS in EE from Kyungpook National University in 2022. 2
Research Topic: CMOS iToF pixel
Current workplace: SolidVue
Juhyun Kim
MS in EE from UNIST in 2023. 2
BS in EE from UNIST in 2021. 2
Research Topic: SPAD devices
Current workplace: KIST
Minsu Koo
MS in EE from UNIST in 2021. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2019. 2
Research Topic: Indirect ToF Sensor
Current workplace: Samsung Memory
Dahwan Park
MS in EE from UNIST in 2020. 8
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 8
Research Topic: Indirect ToF Sensor
Current workplace: SK Hynix
Changyong Shin
MS in EE from UNIST in 2020. 8
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 8
Research Topic: Temperature sensor
Current workplace: Samsung Memory
Sanguk Lee
MS in EE from UNIST in 2020. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 2
Research Topic: Single-slope ADC for CIS
Current workplace: Samsung Memory
Yongtae Shin
MS in EE from UNIST in 2020. 2
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2018. 2
Research Topic: Low power oscillator
Current workplace: SK Hynix
Seunghyun Lee
MS in EE from UNIST in 2019. 8
BS in ECE from UNIST in 2017. 2
Research Topic: CMOS image sensor for LiDAR
Current workplace: Samsung LSI