8.11.2022 Meeting Agenda

BHS 2022 Preseason Booster Meeting 8/11/22 630pm Health Room 26


Booster Mission: To help support the program throughout the year for those expenses that are not covered by district funds. Volunteering and raising money to support our teams is necessary to support your player and give him an excellent experience.

Booster Leads 

Kelsi Le 

Tiffany Gomez

Looking for other to mentor into positions

BHS Men’s Soccer Website

Updated by boosters- currently Kelsi Le

Visit for updates

Google Calendars available for download again this year

Tryouts Dates

8/15 to 8/17

Still need a few more volunteer for player check in

Important Dates

8/20 Saturday 5pm-Alumni Game

8/29 Team photos before practice

9/9 College game Macalatster vs Warburg 

?? Varsity bonfire team building (captains host-Gabe Le house)

9/24 ‘82 state champions ( Coach Nancey - idea for a team dinner/social following that game) .

9/27 Teacher Appreciation Night 7pm

10/5 Senior Night 5pm

?? additional team bonding event- escape room?

Budget Review

Starting 2022 balance


2022 new varsity uniforms




Sock Non-Varsity


Varsity Player Banders


Bus to college game


Senior Night


Teacher Night


End of season banquet


Total Cost 2022



Burnsville Dodge


Go Fund Me


Booster Fee Varsity $125 x18


Booster Fee non Varsity $75x50


BHS Concession


Cub Bagging


Banquet cost


Total Raised


Funds from 2021


Total Cost 2022


Ending funds 2022


College game- Team building event

Bus cost $300-booster pay

Do we want to supply snack bags for players attending?

Booster Contributions

Do we keep it the same as last year $75 and $125

Usually only collect half of it

Other fundraising ideas

CUB bagging- not set up yet

Any connection to local business?

Flyer insert with local sponsor in game brochure, Banner with sponsors or announce commercials

Go Fund Me

All player will be sent an email before PAC meeting

Ask each player to share with at least 20 people and/or on their social media page

Looking for each player to raise $100-200 dollars

Will have captains go to each team and help player set up their accounts

Top 3 players will win 

First $150

Second $100

Third $50

Apparel Store


NFHS Network

All home varsity games will be filmed and record via the NFHS network

Families can subscribe to NFHS for a small fee  ($10.99 per month or $69.99 yr)

Volunteer Needs:

Team Photographer- sign up genius

Concession Lead- Tiffany Gomez- Girl by product this year

Senior Night Lead

Teach Appreciate Night Lead

End of season celebration Lead

Video filming for BCTV games???

Early Booster planning in spring April/May 2023 for next season