7.13.2023 Meeting Minutes

BHS 2023 Preseason Booster Meeting 7/13/23 7pm Health Room A24


Booster Mission: To help support the program throughout the year for those expenses that are not covered by district funds. Volunteering and raising money to support our teams is necessary to support your player and give him an excellent experience.


Booster Leads 

Kelsi Le 

Nathaly Rodriguez

Looking for other to mentor into positions



Kelsi Le

Nathaly Rodriguez

Blanca Mejia de Gomez

Kelly Breuer

Chris Boys

Amy Boys

Ersila Lopez

Brian Nancey


BHS Men’s Soccer Website

·   Kelsi will continue to update website for this year

·   Encourage to visit for updates

·       Google Calendars available for download again this year


Captain Practice

8/7/23 to 8/11/23- 9amto 12pm

·       Need parent volunteers on the field -will send out sign up genius for volunteers once date and time confirmed-Kelsi Le

·       Brian Nancy shares the possibility of not holding captions practice this year and having two weeks of practice where girls coach leads boys team and boys coach leads girls team. This is still being discussed as an option.

·       Need to hear from boys and girls captains on this approach to preseason training.


Tryouts Dates

8/14/23 10am & 5pm

8/15/23 10am & 5pm

8/16/23 10am

·       Need parent volunteers for player check in

o   8/14/23 10am (3 parents) & 5pm (3 parents)

o   8/15/23 10am (2 parents) & 5pm (2 parents)

o   8/16/23 10am (2 parents)

o   Brian will have two table set up in front of entrance to field to ensure we catch all player to get them check in.

o   Play not registered they may not try out



New Booster and Coach Kick off Meeting

·   No Athletic Direct meeting this year (new AD Kevin Kleiner)

·   Discussed option and agreed to have Season Kick off meeting with sponsor North Wellness presentation

·   North Wellness will sponsor team for $350.00

·   Meeting will include presentation from North Wellness, Booster updates and volunteer needs, review of season events and coach updates

·   Plan to order pizza for event

·   Event for player and family members (need to estimate pizza needs)

·   Will be selling White soccer t-shirts for $16 (all profit for the team)

·   Will need volunteers for set up, t-shirt sales, booster fee collection, and volunteer sign up

·   Date decided was Aug 22nd at 7pm

·   Kelsi to book cafeteria


Important Dates

Alumni Game-Aug 19th 5pm- Varsity vs BHS Alumni

College game -Sept 23rd 1pm at Hamlin

·       Brian to book bus

·       Booster to provide food before game(Jimmy John’s)

Team Photo dates TBD

·       Kelsi Le is reaching out to Kemmetmueller photography to book a date looking at week of 8/28 or 9/5 or 9/11 later better in case we have late team members join teams

Varsity Team building event 8/26 after game -TBD escape room or captain house BBQ

·   Kelsi Le reaching our to Escape room for possible location and food event after

Teacher Appreciation-Sept 21st 5pm game vs Eastview -halftime event

·   Will need lead on this event to gather player nominated, connecting with teachers, getting gift for teacher ($5 gift card and certificate) and google slide to play on scored board

Senior Night-Oct 4th 7pm game vs Lakeville south

BV Night- sept 12th 5pm game vs Farmington

·   BV wear their jersey and get in free for the game

Community event – TBD – Coach Nancy

End of season celebration-TBD

·       Need to pick date

·       Need lead and set up planning meeting

·       Usually down in cafeteria food by olive garden

o   Discuss making this free for all so more attend

o   Discuss making it cheaper food option like pizza to save cost


Varsity Banner

Boosters take photo and purchase at Fast signs

·       Kelsi Le will take pictures again in weight room date to be determined

·       Agreed on using Fast Signs again and same size

·       Discuss option of larger banner for seniors as some teams do- decline this option


Ball Boys

·       Will make sign up genius and get to BV club and BHS coaches to fill spots


Senior Gift-Senior Night

·       In past, player and parents filled out google form survey

·       Lead made certificate with player head shoot and one youth player picture. Flower and certicate given to player and parent during half time

·       Certificate is made into google slide and played on score board

·       Need senior lead-Kelsi has done the last 3 years

·       Discuss gift options for seniors. Have not done in the last 3yrs but have down some gift card in the past.

·       Blanca daughter offer doing decorate water bottle with her circut with candy and what ever we decide as a gift.

·       Also discuss poster of player picture from website- this could be an option if someone is will to but together


Starting 2022 balance


Outstanding Bills-

training shirts

printing charge

assistance coach 2022

college game bus 2022






Adjusted 2022 balance


2023 Expenses




Sock Non-Varsity


Varsity Player Banders


Bus to college game & meal (bus 300 & meal 120)


Senior Night


Teacher Night


End of season banquet


Total Cost 2023


2023 Fundraising 

Sponsors (Wave Soccer)


Sponsors (BV Soccer)


Go Fund Me


Booster Fee Varsity $125 x18 ($1800.00)


Booster Fee non Varsity $75x50  ($3750.00)


BHS Concession


Cub Bagging


Alumni donations


Banquet cost


t-shirt sales ($16)x 30


Total Raised 2023


Funds from 2022


Total Cost 2022


Ending funds 2023



College game- Team building event

Bus cost $300-booster pay

Jimmy johns $120-booster pay


Escape Room

Planning on after game on Saturday 8/26/23 time and location TBD

·       Kelsi will reach out for options for this event

·       Varsity event only


Game night and movie in the Gym Event

·       Brian Nancy proposed an event in the main gym with both girls and boys teams- all players/ all teams

·       Looking at playing volleyball soccer in main gym then playing movie with pizza for player and coaches

·       Need to confirm this time event, gym space, if girl team is willing to spilt cost, Free team building events for all players


Booster Contributions

Do we keep it the same as last year $75 and $125. Usually only collect half of it. How can we do better?

·       Discussed option that is more reasonable for families

·       Coach Nancy would like to get ride of booster fee all together and utilize business donations

·       Discuss and feel we need as an option at least for one more year until we know we have strong sponsors

·       Agreed $75 for varsity and $25 for all other teams- Kelsi will update on website


Other fundraising ideas

·       CUB bagging – TDB

o   Agree to do this event – Kelsi will book one Sunday event and 1.5 or 2hr session to sign up

·   Van Hanson- Girls team have 9/2 and 9/3 dates on hold to do event together

o   Decision to not do this event this year only $500+ for two days of volunteers needed- Amy Boys will update girls team at their next booster meeting- Kelsi will text message Lisa to decline this event

·       Any connection to local business?

o   Brain shared possible $2000.00 from Cargill 

o   Brian shared possible $2000 from Dodge of Burnsville $2000 for both girls and boys team- we have received money from Dodge of Burnsville in 2021 of $2000 none in 2022 but listed them as sponsor in both 2021 and 2022

o   Discuss we current do not have tax ID nonprofit organization which is needed for larger companies when donating. If we do not get tax ID number this year Brian or booster would have to work with BHS athletics department paper work for each donation. We would like to avoid this step. Chris Boys is willing to investigate this for our team this year.

o   Would like to make Banner for sponsor at each varsity game- unsure of cost

o   Sponsor would be on Team Game Banner, game brochure and could offer game commercial at larger donation

o   What kind of thank you ro certificate to business could we give when they sponsor.

·       Blanket sales?

o   Kelsi Le share blanket option Gabe Le club team did this summer season from BirdyBoutque.com. They are large 60”x70” very colorful and very soft. Also have a smaller blanket size. Could order 100 blanket up front and sell at being and through the season and also consecutive seasons. Larger blanket is $15 sell for $30 to make about $1500 in profit

o   Kelsi discuss option of stadium blankets with soft side and water proof side. Kelsi could not find good option online yet. Chris Boys discuss option to look at Soccer planet option of stadium blanket or other clothing option for the player to purchase.

·   Go Fund Me

o   All player will be sent an email

o   Ask each player to share with at least 20 people and/or on their social media page

o   Looking for each player to raise $100-200 dollars

o   Will have captains go to each team and help player set up their accounts

§  Top 3 players will win 

§  First $150

§  Second $100

§  Third $50

·   T-shirt Sales-Training shirts (80 whites) @ $16

·   Concussion

o   Discuss concussion is a lot of work throughout the season for little profit $350-$550 a year.

o   We made more money in 2022 because we had lots of donation form BV left over from their tournament. This is not an option this year

o   Boys and Girls team rotated buying supplies each year. It is boys turn to buy supplies.

o   Kelsi Le has concussion supplies in her garage

o   Some schools stopped concussion at games after COVID. Some school full support of athletic department to run and do not leave it up to each team to run.

o   Discuss option of not conducting concussion this year and group agreed. Amy Boys to bring to Girls Booster and Kelsi texted Lisa from girls team of this discussion.

o   Agree girls can sell at both girls and boys game if they want this as one of their fundraiser



Apparel Store

·       Brian is working on setting up apparel store

·   Discuss dissatisfaction of timing of items and when player are getting items back in time for season


NFHS Network

All home varsity games will be filmed and record via the NFHS network

Families can subscribe to NFHS for a small fee  ($10.99 per month or $69.99 yr)


Game Tickets all electronic sale

·   Vanco


Volunteer Needs and sign up genius Needed

Tryout sign in

Season kick off gathering

Team Photographer 2-4 for each team

Senior Night Lead

Teach Appreciate Night Lead

End of season celebration Lead

Ball boys

·       Kelsi Le and Kelly Sim will share this task.



·       Brian to set up apparel store

·       Brian to talk with girl coach on scheduling gym for soccer volleyball movie night -need date and times

·       Kelsi to send out sign up genius for:

o   Captain practice

o   Try outs

o   Kick off meeting

·       Kelsi to schedule escape room

·       Kelsi meeting with Kelly to help with sign up genius

·       Kelsi and Chris to look into blanket sale options

·       Chris apply for tax ID and draft business letter for more sponsors