Health Economics 



BHEPPE (Bologna Health Economics and Public Policy Evaluation) is the research group on health economics, risky behavior, and health-related policies of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Participation to the activities is open and requires no particular academic affiliation. Contact for information and details.

Next activities

Scott Cunningham (Baylor. U.), 17/6/2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Mona Aghdaee (Australian Institute of Health Innovation), 24/6/2024, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM, Seminar Room 

John Mullahy (U. Wisconsin), 2/7/2024, 12:00-13:15, Seminar Room

John Cawley (Cornell U.), 3/10/2024

3rd HERB (3rd Italian workshop on the Health Economics of Risky Behavior), 23-24/1/2025, Bologna

Past meetings

Sahar Paktinat (U. Bologna), 13/6/2024, 11:00-12:00, Seminar Room

The role of human capital in a highly regulated healthcare context: The case of hip fracture surgery

Sonia Bhalotra (U. Warwick), 23/5/2024, 11:00-12:00, Auditorium

Firm responses to legislation on handling workplace sexual harassment

David Frisvold (U. Iowa), 22/5/2024, 13:00-14:00, Seminar Room

The Effect of Soda Taxes: Testing for Heterogeneity by Health Conditions

Daniela Iorio (U. Bologna), 24/4/2024

A Quantitative Theory of the HIV Epidemic: Education, Risky Sex and Asymmetric Learning

Marina Della Giusta (U. Torino), 22/3/2024

Combatting Unconscious Bias in Education

Nicolas Ziebarth (ZEW - U. Mannheim), 14/3/2024

The Anatomy of U.S. Sick Leave Schemes: Evidence from Public School Teachers

Davide Dragone (U. Bologna), 15/2/2024

Harm Reduction: When Does It Improve Health, and When Does it Backfire? (with J. Cawley)

2nd HERB (Second Italian workshop on Health Economics and Risky Behavior), 25-26/1/2024, Bologna

HERB website

Luca Maini (Harvard Medical School), 19/12/2023

Mergers that Matter: The Impact of M&A Activity in Prescription Drug Markets

PhD/Supervisor Conference 2023 - EuHEA - 7-8/9/2023, U. Bologna

EuHEA website

Jenny Williams (U. Melbourne), 08/06/2023

Valuing Access to Treatment: Substance use disorders, health-care utilisation, employment and crime

Hitoshi Shigeoka (Simon Fraser U.), 30/5/2023

Invisible Killer: Seasonal Allergy and Accidents

Elisabetta De Cao (U. Bologna), 22/05/2023

Gene-Environment Effects on Female Fertility (with Nicola Barban (Bologna) and Marco Francesconi (Essex))

Denni Tommasi, (U. Bologna), 12/04/2023

McEmpirics app presentation

Stephane Mechoulan (Dalhousie University)

Sibling gender composition, academic achievements, and career aspirations (with Jasmin Kantarevic)

1st HERB (First Italian workshop on Health Economics and Risky Behavior), 26-27/1/2023, Bologna

Program and registration

Pietro Biroli (U. Bologna), 26/10/2022

Parental socio-economic status and offspring genetic endowments

Paolo Buonanno (U. Bergamo), 21/4/2020

News from the COVID-19 epicenter, with S. Galletta, M. Puca

Mirco Tonin (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), 21/4/2020

Compliance with COVID-19 social-distancing measures in Italy: The role of expectations and duration, with G. Briscese, N. Lacetera, M. Macis

Online Bheppe meetings (COVID-19 working group)

Brainstorming II: 9/4/2020

Brainstorming I: 25/3/2020

Kick-off: 20/3/2020

10th Workshop on the Economics of Risky Behavior, 28-29/6/2019, Bologna (Italy)


Daniela Iorio, 28/5/2019

Disparities in the Battle against Infertility: The Education Gradient in the Success Rates of IVF Technology in Denmark (1995-2009)

Nektaria Glynia, 21/2/2019

Who adopts? Evidence from Italian administrative data

Giorgio Monti, 21/2/2019

Understanding the Greenshirting: Preference, Beliefs and Background of Early Entrants' Parents in Southern Italy

Chiara Oldani, Jan 15, 2019

The economics of child adoption

Matteo Lippi Bruni, Dec 12, 2018

Migrants' access to welfare services: Evidence from emergency care

Managerial incentives in public hospitals: the case of waiting times for hip fracture

Sara Capacci, Nov 6, 2018

(Health) policy-relevant results from empirical demand analysis

Quasi-experimental methods for health policy evaluation

Katerina Koka, Oct 3, 2018

The impact of publicly supplied health insurance on aggregate income inequality

Public health care, changing demographics, and voters' choice over capital and labor income taxes

Martin Foster, June 20, 2018

The economic dynamics of sequential clinical trial design

Strategic interaction in pharmaceutical price regulation and innovation

Anastasia Arabadzhyan, May 29, 2018

Problem drinking and depression

State dependence, unobserved heterogeneity, and dynamic cross-effects

Mario Mazzocchi, Apr 23, 2018

Prices, consumer demand, and nutrition outcomes: How effective are fiscal policies?

Francesca Barigozzi, Feb 21, 2018

Long-term care and gender issues

Providers’ competition for motivated health professionals

Davide Dragone, Jan 22, 2018

Rational addiction: theory, empirical testing, recent advancements

Price and income effects in health-related models