Book talks

Books are doors to worlds, population, culture, dreams, fantasies, mysteries, magic, life, motivation, cuisines and what not. Books are the portal to time travel. Learning to read and write is the basic step to a civilized society. Its like getting a driving license, or a passport or a ticket for a movie or to unexplored lands. Getting is not the real deal.........using it is what makes u bigger than the usual. So is it with books . If you have this allergy to reading anything else other than your text books and aim at just the grade card at the end of each year, you are limiting your horizons by setting your own boundaries. You might learn the subjects but until you know the different possibilities of using it , of taming it of creating your own space upon it, its a waste of time and energy and life as such. You will be just a stone with no polish, no sparkle and one among a thousand. The moment you make friendship with books you are choosing to be cut and chiseled and to made the rarest piece ; intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Book talks are interactive sessions , wherein the reader interacts with the character, the character interacts with the reader. It is also interactions among the reader, the listener and each aspect of the book, be it the style of writing, the time the book was written or the socio-cultural backgrounds. Its about loving a book and trying to know the author through his writings.

The World Book and Copyright day @school on 23rd April 2021.

#meandmybookbuddy challenge on April 23rd 2021.

Reading is a feeling which transcends time and space . Once you make books your friends you will never be alone. When you read a book you are reading the thoughts and the experiences of the author whose imagination and life plays hide and seek with you and when emotion connect you feel you are not alone in this. Read just to feel the beauty of reading.

click on the images and choose to listen to the book lovers talk of their book buddies.