Upcoming events

Public programming

As the student-led extension of the Bob Graham Center, the Student Fellows work to facilitate events, programs, and initiatives that inspire civic growth across the University of Florida campus.

Read further for more information on our public programming!

Tue, Apr. 11th | Jumpstarting Gen Z into politics: Running for elected office

Have you ever thought about running for public office?  According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 1 in 10 voters in the upcoming election are Gen Z.  With more and more Gen Z voters joining the electorate, how can young people get involved in government beyond voting? Join the Bob Graham Center Student Fellows and Gators Vote on Tuesday, April 11 at 5:30 PM in the Pugh Hall Ocora for a timely discussion about running for elected office and learn what goes into a successful campaign.

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion with speakers from the Supervisor of Elections office and the local Democratic and Republican parties, and hear from an academic expert on how “historic first” campaigns find success. Find out how political campaigns are built and, most importantly, how YOU can get involved! 

After the panel, attendees are invited to a catered reception in the O’Neill Reading Room to network with speakers and discover more opportunities for them to get involved.

Mon, Oct. 24th | Student activism: the past, present, and future

Join the Bob Graham Center Student Fellows, as well as three distinguished UF Faculty in their discussion of the history of campus organizing on Monday, Oct. 24th from 6 to 7:15 pm at the Pugh Hall Ocora. 

Delve into social movement theory, as well as past activist efforts at UF and beyond to imagine what the future of student activism could look like in a time when it is needed the most. 

Tue, Nov. 8th | Midterm madness: Election watch party

Welcome to Midterm Madness, the Bob Graham Student Fellow's March-Madness-style prediction tournament for the upcoming midterm elections. Use your prediction skills to decide on the various categories below. On November 8th, the Bob Graham Center is hosting an Election Results Watch Party; throughout the night we will update the scoreboard and hand out a prize to the winner!

Are you registered to vote? - Click here to register through UF's TurboVote system!

Click here to explore our Instagram and to learn more about our current members!