Wp4 : historical

a diachronic approach to que-deletion in spanish


The aim of this project is to account for the diachronic development of que (‘that’)-omission in Spanish complement constructions, in interaction with developments in clause-internal marking, as well as contact-induced change. Complementizer dropping emerges in the 15th century, is most frequent in the 16th and 17th century and diminishes from the 18th century onwards, with only partial remnants in contemporary Spanish. On the basis of data from the corpus CODEA+2015 in the timespan between 1400 and 1800, the project will try to understand: I) which semantic, syntactic and pragmatic features of the main and the clausal predicate influence clause linkage without que; II) the role of participants econding in the main and the subclause for the omission of the complementizer; III) the role of factivity in the subclause. We will use both quantitative statistical methods and qualitative analysis in order to address these topics. The rise and demise of complementizer deletion will also be studied in relation to other syntactic constructions such as the accusativus cum infinitivo and the el que-clauses. This comparison with other complementation patterns will help to clarify the relationship of que-deletion with a more general process of restructuring the complementation system from Medieval Castilian to Modern Spanish. In addition, there are indications that language external factors of change (e.g. discourse traditions) may also have played a role. The omission of the complementizer is considered to originate as a Latin calque from the humanist era, but it was also quite common in letters of the lower elite in the 16th century. Therefore, the analysis of inter- and intra-author-variation may also shed new light on the locus of change, as well as an analysis in terms of the distribution of this complementation strategies in various discourse traditions and text types.

selected references

  • Barraza Carbajal, Georgina. 2014. Oraciones subordinadas sustantivas de objeto directo. In Concepción Company Company (ed.), Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española (Lengua y estudios literarios), vol. 3, 2971–3106. Mexico: Universidad nacional autónoma de MéxicoFondo de cultura económica.

  • Blas Arroyo, José Luis & Margarita Porcar Miralles. 2016. Un marcador sociolingüístico en la sintaxis del Siglo de Oro: patrones de variación y cambio lingüístico en completivas dependientes de predicados doxásticos. Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana (28). 157–185.

  • Delbecque, Nicole & Béatrice Lamiroy. 1999. La subordinación sustantiva: las subordinadas enunciativas en los complementos verbales. In I. Bosque & V. Demonte (eds.), Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española. Espasa-Calpe; Madrid. (22 October, 2018).

  • Givón, Talmy. 2001. Verbal complements and clause union. Syntax: an introduction, vol. 2. Rev. ed. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

  • Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga, Francisco Javier. 2005. Sintaxis histórica de la oración compuesta en español (Biblioteca románica hispánica. 2 : Estudios y ensayos 440). Madrid: Gredos.

  • Octavio de Toledo y Huerta, Alvaro. 2014. Espejismo de la frecuencia creciente: Gramaticalización y difusión del artículo ante oraciones sustantivas/The “Increasing Frequency Mirage”: Grammaticalization and diffusion of the article before “that” sentences in Spanish. RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica 30(3). 916–958.

  • Pons-Rodríguez, Lola. 2008. Las construcciones imitativas del “accusativus cum infinitivo”: modelos latinos y consecuencias romances. Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española (3). 117–148.

  • Pountain, Christopher. 2015. Que-deletion: the rise and fall of a syntactic fashion. Estudios dedicados a David Mackenzie, 17. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Giulia Mazzola

Doctoral candidate


Bert Cornillie

Promoter & Supervisor

Malte Rosemeyer
