The Gsl Global Goals Competition

The GSL Global Goals Competion has helped us realize that in Nigeria Today Poverty is one of the many common issues that no one has tried to improve.So as to be leaders one day we've discovered that we can be the one,s to make a change.

This competition has also raised our awareness to the society of today. it has shown us that everywhere around the world and not only in Nigeria, poverty exists. it has also made us pay more attention to society beacuse if we dont notice the problems, then we cant make the change happen.

Our acomplishemnts

Our team has recently accomplished being a part of the GSL Global Goals Competition and we are proud that we will try our very best. We have also been able to achieve rasing up to 10,000 naira so far, in the hopes of raising more as we continue with our project, because our mission to stop poverty doesnt end here, rather it ends when visible changes in the poverty rate of our society is seen.

How are we progressing?

So far, we have done so much as to be able to donate up to 10,000 naira, in the hopes of donating more and we have also been able to create a blog to make people more aware of our mission


We would like to say a big thank you to the Almighty God for keeping and sustaining us up too this point, and also our supporting teacher, Mrs.Omosebi, for being with us every step of the way. We would also like to thank our families for the amazing support they show, and teachers and friends in school, for their equal contribution and support.

Did you know?

  • Nearly 22,000 children die each day due to living in poverty.

  • There are 2.2 billion children in the world, and 1 billion of them live in poverty.

  • A third of all poor in developing countries are children aged zero to 12.