Frequently asked questions

How would you describe this mission?

We would describe this mission as a way of making the world a better place.

another way to describe this mission is a way to help our society, and give back what we have recieved. for example, if we didnt have such good schools, that the government so kindly provided, then we would all lack access to good education, meaning alot of us wouldnt be where we are today.

So we also consider this mission as a way of giving back to society, as it is better to give than to recieve

we would also describe this mission as a way of providing access to education and awareness for young children

What are some of your accomplishments?

We have made some slides and a blog to help, we also work with teachers to help education get to children.

Why did you choose No Poverty?

We chose no poverty because it was a widely spread topic and we believe that every little thing helps.

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” — Mother Teresa, Missionary and Saint. We also choose this project to redifine poverty not only in nigeria but to try and expand accross the world with hopes of future sponsorships to hosts events. we also belive that when you have no education, that is another form of poverty, because lacking intellectual richness, is not a good way to be raised in this world, and is considered another form of poverty because as mother teresa rightly said, poverty doesnt just have to do with not having money or clean clothes, it goes way beneath the surface, so we consider this project as a way of demonstrating that.

What was your inspiration?

Our inspiration was the fact that not much people were helping and we thought we could.

Our inspriation was also coming to the rea that not everyone is born privilleged and when we are able to accept that, it makes us even more determined to make a change. and judging by the amount of deaths that is a result of poverty, we need to do something fast, before its too late.

How Can i donate to the global goals?

You can donate to any of the Global Goals using The Samsung Global Goals app where you can watch ads to earn money to donate or you can donate money directly from your bank account. Click the link to download below.
