Project Portfolio Dashboard Model

Betsys Project Portfolio Model

The data in this dashboard template is just test data. To design this demo version I used Prince2 Methodology and Atlassian Confluence free cloud plan. The information in the Highlight Reports of each project can be collated for a consolidated high level overview of the status of all projects.

The rating criteria is based on The Treasury Investment Management material from New Zealand, the Red πŸ”΄, Amber 🟑, and Green 🟒 definitions and guidance can be found here.

This solution allows a Portfolio to be better informed, and identify any potential deviations to tolerances πŸ”΄πŸŸ‘πŸŸ’, risks πŸ“ˆ, and issues β›” that might affect the delivery or outcomes of projects.

The dashboard gives better visibility of all projects and enables the review of actual performance of projects and the individual Highlight Reports to better understand the issues, impact to benefits realisation and make well informed decisions.

The screenshot below is an example of a Highlight Report I created using Atlassian document management tools. It's a one page template, that combines a status report and an exception report. The steps on the right, are just a guide for the person who completes the report.

Note: Redacted spaces due to sensitive data removed from picture below.

.....Other project templates can be found here: