If Valyrian Steel is magical I suspect it boost your ability to skin change into your Dragon or yo skin change in general. Do I think that a powerful sorcerer could use a Valyrian Steel dagger to compel a random catspaw to go on a suicide mission? Maybe and I think someone using magic to compel the catspaw explains his dumb behavior decently. Very good chance Im wrong about a lot of it but eh

Also If your ran with this I think this means that Jon is being manipulated by Bloodraven or someone else maybe using longclaw cause why not. Oh and Tywin made Jamie and Joffrey those two swords so he could manipulate them cause fuck it why not. Also Tywin is magic and so is Littlefinger and little finger compelled the catspaw using magic to start a war.

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Okay, so the Jofferator gives a one-of-a-kind dagger to the thug. WHY??? Now the slim chance of the catspaw escaping justice becomes zero. Seen anything out of the ordinary? Well just this thug running around with a unique object he cannot possibly have acquired legally.

He remembered a cold morning when he'd climbed down the steep exterior steps from Winterfell's library to find Prince Joffrey jesting with the Hound about killing wolves. Send a dog to kill a wolf, he said. Even Joffrey was not so foolish as to command Sandor Clegane to slay a son of Eddard Stark, however; the Hound would have gone to Cersei. Instead the boy found his catspaw among the unsavory lot of freeriders, merchants, and camp followers who'd attached themselves to the king's party as they made their way north. Some poxy lackwit willing to risk his life for a prince's favor and a little coin. Tyrion wondered whose idea it had been to wait until Robert left Winterfell before opening Bran's throat. Joff's, most like. No doubt he thought it was the height of cunning. 


The blade Joff chose was nice and plain. No goldwork, no jewels in the hilt, no silver inlay on the blade. King Robert never wore it, had likely forgotten he owned it. Yet the Valyrian steel was deadly sharp . . . sharp enough to slice through skin, flesh, and muscle in one quick stroke. I am no stranger to Valyrian steel. But he had been, hadn't he? Else he would never have been so foolish as to pick Littlefinger's knife. 

The why of it still eluded him. Simple cruelty, perhaps? His nephew had that in abundance. It was all Tyrion could do not to retch up all the wine he'd drunk, piss in his breeches, or both. He squirmed uncomfortably. He ought to have held his tongue at breakfast. The boy knows I know now. My big mouth will be the death of me, I swear it. 

A Storm of Swords, Tyrion VIII

In the books, as quoted above, we also learn that Joffery hadn't really known about Valyrian steel at the point he sent the catspaw. The only quote I can find in the show that resembles this, and it is a bit far-fetched, is the following:

This appears to be a bit of a stretch and there's no actual evidence that Petyr owned the dagger beforehand, the wikia doesn't even state him in the list of owners before the catspaw. It appears as if Sansa is saying it as too add to the "evidence" for why Petyr is going to be given the sentence he is given. Even if the dagger was Petyr's it doesn't even mean that he sent the catspaw too.

In the books it appears as though he sends the assassin to impress Robert as he says it will be a mercy to kill him than to live a cripple. It appears as though this doesn't happen in the show but the catspaw says something similar so could hint at this too.

KOROB: Captain, you've seen something of ourscience. Now tell us about yours. 

KIRK: You seem to be singing a different tune. I'd rather know moreabout yours. You call it magic, you call it science. It seems unrelatedto both of them. 

KOROB: What would you name it, Captain? 

KIRK: I wouldn't attempt to name it, but you seem to do with your mindwhat we do with tools. You alter matter, move it about by telekinesis. 

KOROB: Yes, we can change the molecular structure 

SYLVIA: Korob, you talk too much. 

MCCOY: You kept Scott and Sulu as catspaws to lure us down here. How'dyou know we'd come? 

KOROB: Oh, we didn't have to know. They knew. 

SYLVIA: Enough of this! You will tell us what we want to know. 

KIRK: It's too late for threats. You let me contact the ship. How longdo you think it will it be before a search party arrives? 

KOROB: Some time, Captain. Quite some time. 

(The model Enterprise is encased in a block of perspex.) 

KOROB: There will be no search party, Captain Kirk. An impenetrableforce field around your ship, Captain. It will not hinder orbit, butyour people are prisoners within it.

2 The name given to a ruffle on the water indicating a breath of wind during a calm. Old sailors, on seeing a catspaw on the surface while becalmed, would frequently rub the ship's backstay (as though fondling a cat) and whistle to induce the wind to come to the ship.

The catspaw was paid to kill Bran while he was in a coma at Winterfell, following his fall. The catspaw arranges for a fire to start in the castle, reasoning it will draw people away from Bran's room. This diversion succeeds in persuading Robb to leave, but Catelyn remains behind. Upon reaching Bran's room, the catspaw finds Catelyn at Bran's bedside. The pair tussle which results in Catelyn receiving hand wounds; Bran is saved by his direwolf, Summer, who tears the catspaw's throat out.[1]

The catspaw carried an ornate dagger, made of Valyrian steel and with a dragonbone hilt. Catelyn takes the blade to her husband, Ned, in King's Landing in order to investigate further.[1] Littlefinger claims that the dagger belongs to Tyrion,[2] which leads to Catelyn taking Tyrion prisoner when she chances across him at the Inn at the Crossroads.[3] Her actions spark a conflict between House Stark and House Lannister.[4] Tyrion acquits himself of the crime via trial by combat at the Eyrie.[5]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the catspaw's name is never revealed. He is described as a small, dirty man in filthy brown clothing, stinking of horses, gaunt, with a limp blond hair and pale eyes deep-sunk in a bony face.

In A Clash of Kings, Catelyn finds out - too late - that Littlefinger lied to her about the dagger, only when she interrogates Jaime. Jaime bluntly admits that he pushed Bran from the window in an attempt to kill him, but claims that neither he nor Cersei nor Tyrion had anything to do with the catspaw; both Tyrion and Jaime point out the key flaw in Littlefinger's story - Tyrion couldn't have won the dagger in a gambling bet because he never bet against Jaime in such circumstances. When asked about the dagger, Jaime remembers that Littlefinger bet and lost it during the tourney held to celebrate Joffrey's twelfth nameday - to Robert, not to Tyrion. Catelyn realizes Jaime is telling her the truth, for he has nothing to gain by lying about the catspaw and the dagger, after admitting that he pushed Bran. Jaime admits that he and Cersei considered having Bran killed, but given the fact Catelyn was in his bed chamber at all times and the room was guarded, it would have meant murdering their way through half of Winterfell's population to reach Bran, and they concluded there was no need when it seemed more likely that Bran would die of his injuries from the fall.[8]

While Jaime and his escorts are on their way to King's Landing, he wonders whether Cersei hired the catspaw, to make sure Bran never woke up. Jaime correctly dismisses that thought, reasoning that had Cersei wanted Bran dead - she would have sent him; moreover, it was not like her to choose a catspaw who would make such a "royal botch" of the killing.[9]

During a casual conversation at King's Landing, Tyrion makes a comment about Littlefinger's elegant suit and handsome knife. Littlefinger draws his knife, glances at it casually, as if he has never seen it before and says "Valyrian steel, and a dragonbone hilt. A trifle plain, though. It's yours, if you would like it." Noticing the mischief in his eyes, Tyrion realizes that Littlefinger is teasing him insolently about the catspaw's dagger, without saying anything explicit.[10]

Although there is no direct evidence that definitively proves that Joffrey was the one who sent the catspaw, it is very likely Tyrion and Jaime are correct about pinning the assassination attempt on him. When Jaime finally engineers Tyrion's escape from the dungeons, during their conversation through the secret tunnels of the Red Keep, Tyrion becomes annoyed and asks Jaime if he knew that his son tried to kill Bran Stark. Jaime grudgingly admits that he had thought he might have.[14]

Littlefinger's lie about the dagger was hardly one of his more subtle schemes: had Catelyn and Ned not accepted his words as true and made some inquiries, by asking Jaime (as Catelyn eventually did, though too late) or anyone else who attended the tourney about the dagger, they would have realized Littlefinger lied to them, though might not have figured who sent the catspaw. Revealing the truth in time might have not prevented the war, but it could have spared many innocent lives which were subsequently lost due to Catelyn's naivety and rashness, and Ned's stubborn refusal to settle the matter peacefully, among them: Masha Heddle, Jory Cassel, Wyl, Heward, six of the people who escorted Catelyn to the Eyrie, and the people of the Riverlands who were raided at Tywin's command.

It is unknown why the TV series never reveals that it was Joffrey who sent the catspaw; Joffrey receives the Valyrian steel sword Widow's Wail as a wedding gift in Season 4, as he did in the books, but no mention is made of the assassination attempt on Bran back in Season 1. It is possible that the reason is the same for not revealing the truth about Tysha in the Season 4 finale: the producers grew afraid that casual viewers wouldn't remember that this happened in early Season 1 - even though this was one of the escalating events which sparked the entire Stark-Lannister conflict. Alternatively, the producers may have deviated from the books and changed the catspaw in the show, particularly with the revelation in the season 7 finale which suspected that Littlefinger was behind the attempt. be457b7860

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