Best IUI Treatment in Sarjapur, Bangalore

If you and your partner consult a doctor about fertility treatments, your doctor may suggest a technique called "artificial insemination."

The expected result of IUI intrauterine insemination is for the sperm to travel up the fallopian tubes, fertilize the waiting egg, and become pregnant. Depending on the reason for infertility, IUI can be coordinated with regular cycles or fertility medications. A couple's ability to conceive depends on many factors.

Intrauterine insemination

Donor sperm - This is for women who need to use donor sperm to get pregnant, her IUI is most commonly used to achieve pregnancy. Frozen donor sperm samples are obtained from accredited labs and thawed before the IUI procedure. Infertility of unknown cause. IUI is often given with fertility drugs as a first-line treatment for unexplained infertility.

If you Best IUI Treatment in Sarjapur, Bangalore-Motherhood Fertility, and IVF Centers

Endometriosis-related infertility - For endometriosis-related infertility, the use of medications to retrieve good quality eggs along with performing an IUI is often the first treatment.

Mild male infertility (infertility) - Her partner's semen analysis, one of the first steps in the medical evaluation for infertility, shows below-average sperm concentration, poor sperm movement (motility), or abnormal sperm size and shape (morphology) may become apparent. By preparing the sperm for the procedure, IUI can overcome some of these problems by helping to separate normal, highly motile sperm from poor-quality sperm.

Cervical factor infertility - The cervix at the bottom of the uterus forms the opening between the vagina and the uterus. The mucus produced by the cervix before and after ovulation provides an ideal environment for sperm to move from the vagina to the fallopian tubes.

Best IUI Treatment in Sarjapur, Bangalore-Motherhood Fertility, and IVF Centers

There is a possibility - The cervix itself also prevents sperm from reaching the egg. Scarring, such as that caused by biopsies and other procedures, can lead to the thickening of the cervix. Because IUI bypasses the cervix and deposits sperm directly into the uterus to meet waiting eggs. Increases the number of sperm available to

Ovulatory factor infertility - IUI can also be performed on women with infertility due to ovulatory disorders, such as ovulatory disorders or low egg counts. seed allergy. Rarely, allergies to proteins in semen can cause infertility.

Condoms can protect you from symptoms, but they also prevent pregnancy. If hypersensitivity is severe, IUI is effective because it removes much of the protein in semen before it can be introduced.

If you get your IUI done in the Best IUI Treatment in Sarjapur, Bangalore like Motherhood Fertility and IVF Centers you will benefit from its advantages.

Motherhood Fertility and IVF Centers is a main IVF specialty chain giving fertility services. With 9 centers across India and an exceptional group of IVF experts who have been practicing in the field of fertility for a long time.

IUI treatment is very effective in India. With experienced and qualified specialists in probably the best fertility communities like Motherhood Fertility and IVF Centers the success rate of IUI lies between 10-12% in India.

Call today for an appointment.