Best Fertility Clinics in Electronic city

Infertility, in a couple, can be determined when they continuously try to conceive for a year but are unable to do so. Another condition of infertility is when the woman is older than 35 years. As the age increases the chances of conceiving or getting pregnant drop.

Causes of infertility: Sometimes, infertility in couples can be determined. But there are certain special cases where the cause of infertility is undetermined.

Causes of infertility in males:

  • Due to cryptorchidism or undescended testicles; health problems such as diabetes or infections such as mumps, chlamydia; genetic defects or enlargement in veins can cause the deterioration in the quality of the sperm.

  • Sexual problems such as cystic fibrosis, blockage in testicles, damaged or injured reproductive organs, and premature ejaculation can cause problems in the delivery of sperm.

  • Sometimes, overexposure to a toxic environment such as smoking, pollution, alcohol, anabolic steroids and certain medications to treat high blood pressure, infections or depression can also affect sperm quality leading to infertility.

  • Sometimes the most severe damage to sperm quality is caused by cancer and its treatment. Therapies like radiation or chemotherapy can severely affect fertility.

Causes of infertility in females:

  • In some cases, the release of eggs from the ovaries is affected due to ovulation disorders. These disorders include hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, and hyperprolactinemia- a condition where the production of prolactin-breast milk-producing hormone may interfere in the process of ovulation. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism also affects the menstrual cycle and causes infertility.

  • Abnormalities in the cervix, polyps in the uterus or abnormal shape of the uterus may cause infertility as they block the fallopian tubes. Blockage in the fallopian tube terminates the fertilised egg to get implanted in the uterus. Non-cancerous tumours which are benign in nature is one of the other reason for infertility.

  • A damaged or blocked fallopian tube is caused due to inflammation of the fallopian tube also called salpingitis. This can cause inflammation in the pelvic area often caused by sexually transmitted infection, adhesion or endometriosis.

  • Early menopause is the condition when the ovaries stop working and the mensuration stops which usually ends after the age of 40. The reasons for menopause are generally unknown but certain genetic conditions such as Turner syndrome, carriers of fragile X syndrome or radiation and chemotherapy can also cause infertility.

  • Cancer treatment like radiation or chemotherapy can cause impairment infertility in women.

Risk factors of infertility:

  • The age of a woman is the major factor affecting fertility, as the age increases the chances of getting pregnant drop rapidly. Aged women have a low capacity to produce eggs and the quality of eggs also decreases. This causes infertility but can be cured in the best fertility clinics in Electronic city.

  • Excessive usage of tobacco in any form can cause infertility. It affects the reproductive system, reduces the possible effectiveness of the fertility treatment, causes frequent miscarriages, erectile dysfunction and low sperm count are the effects that smoking causes on men.

  • Being overweight is also one of the reasons for infertility. An inactive lifestyle, unhealthy eating, and erratic sleeping patterns cause overweight.

  • Lack of exercise causes obesity which ultimately leads to infertility. Ovulation problems are caused due to overweight.

Prevention and cure:

Although there is no prescribed treatment for some kinds of infertility, however with advancements in medical technologies there are treatments like IVF and IUI available that can help a couple suffering from infertility help conceiving. There are several hospitals and clinics that provide this treatment. To get the treatment that is effective and fruitful, you must choose the best fertility clinic in Electronic city.