Organizers & Scikit-learn Experts

Noa Tamir

Berlin WiMLDS Organizer


Twitter: @noatamir


Setareh Sadjadi

Berlin WiMLDS Organizer


Emily Taylor

Berlin WiMLDS Organizer


Adrin Jalali

Co-maintainer of scikit-learn


Twitter: @adrinjalali


This event is organized and run by all volunteers:

  • Noa Tamir (Berlin WiMLDS organizer)
  • Setareh Sadjadi (Berlin WiMLDS organizer)
  • Emily Taylor (Berlin WiMLDS organizer)

Scikit-learn Contributors

Scikit-learn is a library that is used around the world. Open source sprints are typically limited to where contributors live or where major conferences are held. We are fortunate to have these scikit-learn experts in the Berlin sprint.

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Facilitator: Adrin Jalali

Adrin grew up in Iran, where he did my bachelors and masters in computer science/bioinformatics. After a while of being in the industry he moved to Vancouver, Canada for his PhD program. Next, he moved to Germany to finish his PhD dissertation at a Max Planck Institute in Saarbruecken. In 2016 Adrin moved to Berlin and he's been working as a data science consultant. He co-organizes PyData Berlin, and spends a lot of time contributing to scikit-learn, as a core developer.


Reshama Shaikh organized the inaugural WiMLDS scikit-learn sprint beginning in 2017, and has since organized several more sprints. She has iteratively improved the process with each sprint:

    • 2017: NYC
    • 2018: NYC
    • 2019: Nairobi
    • 2019: NYC
    • 2019: Bay Area

She created comprehensive documentation and provides guidance so that other groups are able to organize them as well:

How to Organize a scikit-learn Sprint