My domain research interests are around the geometry of problems arising from theoretical physics and, increasingly, in applied topology. My education research centers on formative learning rhythms and assessment methods. I've also dabbled in genre theory.

Here are some projects that I've worked on or am currently working on along with relevant articles. For a more compact list of my publications, feel free to refer to my CV (or a past research statement). You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Symplectic Embeddings & Algebraic Positivity

Algebraic capacities are analogues in algebraic geometry to symplectic capacities, which measure obstructions to embedding one symplectic manifold into another. Symplectic capacities date back to the Gromov width and the symplectic camel; more recently ECH capacities were developed by Hutchings for symplectic 4-manifolds, and have enjoyed much success in studying embeddings of ellipsoids and other toric manifolds. In the papers below we develop the theory of algebraic capacities and relate them to various symplectic capacities, which has exciting consequences for embeddings.


Questions I'm interested in

Formative Assessment & Pedagogy

I am interested in cultivating and more deeply understanding formative learning spaces that serve to shape and empower students in their process of intellectual maturation. See my page on this topic for more details.


Questions I'm interested in

McKay Correspondence & Wall-Crossing

The two-dimensional McKay correspondence supplies the geometry behind the ADE classification of finite subgroups of SL(2) via studying the associated quotient singularities and their resolutions. This has a beautiful extension to three dimensions, where the non-uniqueness of minimal resolutions makes the theory much richer. I have previously led the McKayCorr Research Group investigating various aspects of wall-crossing phenomena for minimal resolutions with a view to better understanding their birational geometry. I have also worked on derived aspects of the McKay correspondence.


Questions I'm interested in

Geography of Varieties & Ehrhart Theory

There are a host of interesting geography problems for (polarised) varieties: studying the range of values important invariants can take over a certain class of varieties. I like to explore several aspects of these problems including reconstruction problems (when does a variety exist with given invariants?), classification problems for Fano and toric varieties, and studying richer 'tropical' invariants. In equivariant contexts these invariants often have combinatorial avatars, such as lattice point counts from Ehrhart theory. There are many mysteries about such invariants, such as understanding periods of Ehrhart quasi-polynomials. My work also uses tools and intuition from geometry to investigate questions about combinatorial invariants.


Questions I'm interested in

Cluster Varieties & Mirror Symmetry

Cluster algebras and cluster varieties are widespread, highly symmetric objects that are related to important constructs in geometry, representation theory, combinatorics, and physics. I explore their associated geometry, such as their applications to the [homological] minimal model program (with Tom Ducat) and to mirror symmetry (with Jonathan Lai and Tim Magee).


Questions I'm interested in

Theses & Other Writings

Images: lattice paths computing ECH capacities (top left, ref.); final curves in G-Hilb for G = 1/35(1,3,31) (top center, ref.); global scattering tiles for P1 x P1 (top right, ref.); schematic of possible reduced baskets (bottom left, ref.); scissors congruence via mutation (bottom center, ref.); unlocking for G = 1/25(1,3,21) (bottom right, ref.). Produced by TikZ and CoCalc.