Subject Matter Knowledge

About This Element

Why is this essential?

Math classes often emphasize the importance of correctness; an answer is right or wrong, and a statement is true or false. While this may not be representative of the principles of higher mathematics, it is the focus in nearly all middle and high school classrooms. Questions on worksheets and quizzes have correct answers, and students are scored for accuracy. So it is important for math teachers to have an accurate knowledge of the subject matter. Any inconsistencies could mislead students and hinder their success. This is especially important in the subject of math which builds upon content from previous years. If a student is mistaught the foundational concept of functions in Algebra I, won't they struggle to find correct answers when they have to perform operations with functions in Algebra II? It is critical for math teachers to demonstrate expertise in the subject matter to enable student success in future years.

My Experience

From conversation with math teachers at Worcester Tech, I heard that when a returning teacher delivers a lesson, it is typical that they have not seen the material in a year since they last taught that lesson. This is fair, except many long-time teachers rely on their experience to recall subject matter and do not refresh their understanding. In observation, I noticed that this can have averse effects; the concepts from two related lessons or units sometimes blend together by mistake and are accidentally taught with errors. I would never claim that my knowledge of high school math is perfectly accurate, but throughout the practicum I found many simple ways to ensure that I was teaching accurate lessons and was prepared to respond to any student questions with an authentic answer: I would read a relevant page or two of the class textbook before planning lessons; I would watch short tutorial videos online if I was not sure of a certain problem-solving method; I would talk with my math-focused friends at WPI about the topics to make sure that I had a correct understanding. As a future professional teacher, I intend to continue using these strategies (conversing with fellow teachers instead of college friends) as they take minimal time and are essential to maintaining factual knowledge of the subject matter.

"It has been evident throughout this practicum that Ben has an excellent grasp of the subject matter by the way he introduces each topic, rephrases his explanations when students have questions that require further clarification, and provides multiple ways of presenting subject matter content. He reinforces the students' previous knowledge, previews how this material would be used in the future, and answers all of the students' questions confidently and thoroughly."

Summative assessment evidence of proficiency