the Software-Defined Radio Laboratory


Experimental site.

Acknowledgement: This lab was financially supported by the grant program 

"Digital pre vysokoškolákov 2023"  by the Tatra bank foundation within the project:

SDRLab - software-defined radio in research and teaching

SDRLab - softvérovo-definované rádio vo výskume a pedagogike

under the contract Nr: 2023digVS008

Lab equipment:

Virtual measurements

During the school year 2023/24 as part of the project SDRLab - software-defined radio in research and teaching, we performed measurements using our Ettus SDR equipment and we provide the raw datasets - direct antenna samples in the form of raw .dat files. Now anybody, who is interested in procesing real-world signals within an SDR environment, such as GNU Radio or MATLAB, can do it without the necessity of buying expensive UHD hardware. The section below provide instructions and dowload links. 

Virtual measurement GNURadio flowgraphs and raw data files are provided for:

Virtual measurements - FM radio

Virtual measurement - NOAA APT satellite signal decoding

GRC output:

NOAA-APT  image output:

Virtual measurement - IEEE 802.15.4 signal

Virtual measurement - LoRa signal





LppFrame(data = [

  LppData(channel = 1, type = Temperature, value = (30.0,))

  LppData(channel = 2, type = Humidity, value = (41.0,))

  LppData(channel = 3, type = Digital Output, value = (0.0,))

  LppData(channel = 4, type = Digital Input, value = (0.0,))


LppFrame(data = [

  LppData(channel = 1, type = Temperature, value = (29.0,))

  LppData(channel = 2, type = Humidity, value = (43.0,))

  LppData(channel = 3, type = Digital Output, value = (0.0,))

  LppData(channel = 4, type = Digital Input, value = (0.0,))


Acknowledgement: This lab was financially supported by the grant program "Quality of education"  by the Tatra bank foundation in the following years:

2019 - project: SDRLab 2.0 – technologies of 5G networks and IoT in classroom

2016 - project: SDRLab - Establishment of Software-Defined Radio Laboratory

2023 - project: SDRLab - software-defined radio in research and teaching

Current theses:

Selected past theses: