Central Sacramento Valley

Central Sac. Valley

President - Dale Brookins

Vice President - Ron Eggleton

Secretary - Clancy Ward

We are a club made up of members of Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, Butte, Yolo and Glenn Counties. We work and play for 3 major groups, the Shrine Hospital, the Transportation group and the Shrine Temple. We have a transportation group within our club that drives patients to the Shrine Hospital. We have two major fundraisers; our nut picking meeting where the members crack and pick out the walnut meats and then sell them at the annual Shrine Bazaar. The money raised is donated to the Shrine Temple. Then we have an annual crab feed where the profits go again to the Shrine Temple. At our Potentates visit , we have what is called the Pie Extravaganza, members are asked to bring pies for the desert and all pies that are left over are raffled off with the proceeds going to the Potentate for distribution.