Profile / CV


My main research interests are in the areas of forensic speech science (see FSS @ York), discourse-pragmatic change (see, and sociophonetics.

My current PhD project focuses on the phonetic variation of words across discourse-pragmatic contexts and applied to the task of forensic voice comparison. My MSc dissertation endeavoured to describe the variation of like and yeah across speakers and pragmatic functions.


2021 - (ongoing) PhD in Linguistics, University of York - supervisors Paul Foulkes, Vincent Hughes & Traci Walker

2017-2018 MSc Forensic Speech Science, University of York (Merit)

2014-2017 BA Linguistics, University of York (First)

Teaching & Experience

11/2023–(ongoing) Research Assistant, Speech accommodation in audio-only and audiovisual interactions (PI: Justin Lo), Lancaster University

07/202302/2024 Research Associate, York English Corpus 2023 (PI: Sali Tagliamonte), University of Toronto

09/2022-12/2023 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Forensic Phonetics, University of York (including lectures)

07/2023–08/2023 Facilitator, Accents and Identity Future Learn course, University of York

07/202208/2023 Research Associate, Interactions in Grammatical Systems: North-South Dialect Variation in England (PI: Claire Childs)

06/2022–07/2023 Materials developer, York English Language Toolkit , Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York

09/202112/2022 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology, University of York 

01/202106/2021 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Phonetics & Phonology, University of York

2019–2020 Performance Analyst, Inclusion Housing, 103 Heworth Green, York, YO31 7TQ

20182019 Research Executive, Karian & Box, 22 Lendal, York, YO1 8AA


09/2021 - (ongoing) Chair, FSS @ York Research Group meetings

11/2022 - (ongoing) Graduate Teaching Assistant Representative for the Department of Language & Linguistic Science, University of York

20212023 Editor, York Papers in Linguistics 

07/2021  Organising Committee, WRoCAH Festival of Ideas 2021

11/2020-09/2021 Organising Committee, 6th Postgraduate Academic Researchers in Linguistics at York (PARLAY) Conference


01/2023 - (ongoing) International Phonetic Association - Student member

05/2021 - (ongoing) Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change (DiPVaC) Research Network

01/2020 - (ongoing) International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) - Student member

Awards / Funding

2024 Best student presentation prize awarded at Changing Discourses – Aspects of Linguistic, Social and Discourse Variation (DiPVaC6), 13 June

2024 Humanities Research Centre, University of York Doctoral Fellowship - £1,000

2023 WRoCAH large award to present at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023 (ICPhS), Prague, Czechia - £1,346

2023 WRoCAH large award for primary research trip to the University of Melbourne, Australia and the University of Canterbury, NZ - £3,476

2022-23 WRoCAH Research Employability Project Award. Working with Voice 21 on sociolinguistic variation and oracy education in schools - £1,100

2021 Nominated as GTA of the Year, University of York

2021 - (ongoing) Doctoral AHRC funding through WRoCAH

2018 Masters Funding Award, Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York

Having a great time in Mellbourne with a sleepy koala

Melbourne, April 2023 - Which one's sleepier, a koala or a jet-lagged PhD student?