
Belonging - med school workshop 2024

“the sense of security and support one has resulting from a belief in being accepted and valued for being their ‘authentic self.’” (MIT)

Humble Bumble - KKS

When considering the idea of belonging, my mind fell on one of my own personal fascination - bees. Honeybees have seen a huge resurgence in interest and numbers, especially within the urban biome. However, when considering my own belonging, I feel far more akin to the humble bumblebee.


Often viewed and seen as a solitary being, they do indeed live in nest colonies with others in their kin, be it in vastly smaller hives than their honeybee counterparts. And also, unlike honeybees, they produce very little honey, all of which is kept for their own nest.


But their impact and role within the ecosystem is not to be underestimated. Prolific pollinators of many of the plant species that fuel our food chain, we as a species rely hugely on their activity.


As humans, we often underestimate the importance and gravity our roles play on everyday life. We look at ourselves as individuals who’s impact on the world is minimal. We may find the idea of belonging difficult as a result of this. We may struggle as feelings of imposter syndrome, unimportance and isolation creep in and we are left to feel that we are but an insignificant being in a big world.


But maybe we should look towards the bumblebee to inspire us. Going about our everyday life, “pollinating” the world with our own special uniqueness. Each day we all have a part to play within the human race to make each day better. That role could be as simple as a smile that brightens up someone’s day. It is still as important as the bumblebee that visits a few flowers each day that goes on to produce the fruit to feed a person.


When you feel you don’t belong, just remember the humble bumble.

...We may find the idea of belonging difficult ... We may struggle as feelings of imposter syndrome, unimportance and isolation creep in and we are left to feel that we are but an insignificant being in a big world. But maybe we should look towards the bumblebee to inspire us. Going about our everyday life, “pollinating” the world with our own special uniqueness...we all have a part to play ... to make each day simple as a smile that brightens up someone’s day. 

Safety is a core idea and perhaps links with Harvard Professor Amy Edmonson's Psychological Safety: a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking and in writing on 'The Fearless Organsation' How can we welcome others and be ourselves?

'Belonging is about students engaging meaningfully in what they do, able to adapt and adjust and afterwards remembering the medical school fondly' - workshop attendee

Foundations of belonging from student perspective (5233 students) WONKHE report 2022 (scroll down for report)


• the greatest impact that universities can have on students’ sense of belonging is to improve the way they connect their students


•access to and accessibility of teaching and learning

•whether the course content, and those teaching it, were diverse and representative.


• Well-defined, clearly articulated, inclusive support systems and networks are fundamental


•One of the key recommendations in this section, particularly with reference to developing more inclusive content, is for co-creation to become standard practice.

Core ideas discussed included:

From a previous clinical educator workshop on belonging and mattering 2022 we identified the importance of:

This is mirrored in a Student iBSc (2022-23) on belonging on the wards


Also included, is placement organisation - (structure brings safety)

We All Belong Here by Natasha Jade Austin

Y5 Medical student

I started this drawing several years ago and it was originally comprised of a single skyline only. After re-discovering the partly finished sketch recently, I was inspired to complete the piece through the lens of the theme 'belonging'. Nearing the end of my medical school career, I have had such a privilege to meet and become friends with people from all over the world, and the famous landmarks I chose to include in the concoction of skylines represent those who have had an impact on my life and the fact that my life would be entirely different if I hadn't had the chance to meet them. Upon finishing this piece, I feel it also has an additional meaning to me now. It encompasses the values that Barts prides - we are so warmly welcoming to all those lucky enough to be a part of this community, from the first day of university to the last. For me personally, I believe and hope to always feel like I belong to the Barts community.

'For me personally, I believe and hope to always feel like I belong to the Barts community'.

For more information

This is the WONKHE report student voice on belonging 2021-22

WonkHE Building-Belonging-October-2022.pdf

Christopher D. Slaten, Zachary M. Elison, Eric D. Deemer, Hayley A. Hughes & Daniel A. Shemwell (2018) The Development and Validation of the University Belonging Questionnaire, The Journal of Experimental Education, 86:4, 633-651, 

David Gilani

by David Gilani