June 16

Day 2

8:45 - 9:45 AM Continental Breakfast

Location: Pedroso Center, Building B, Room 159 

9:00 - 10:30 AM Open Studio

Facilitator, Studio Member Amy Hanks

Duration: 1 1/2 hours [Drop in]

Location: Spaces for Possibility Studio, 3412 W Bryn Mawr Ave

Members of the Spaces for Possibility Studio Collective host informal studio hours. Participants are invited to do or not do: talk, drink tea, just exist, create, rest, read, learn, meditate, make work.

Friday, June 16

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Workshop | The Collective Mending Sessions

Featuring Catherine Reinhart

Duration: Ongoing [Drop in]

Location: Pedroso Center, Building B, Room 159 

Quilts and mending materials are available during Friday and Saturday of the symposium with some impromptu facilitated exercises from Catherine Reinhart.  These exercises may include poetry readings, readings from the project’s resource library, slow looking, stitching exercises, and short written responses to prompts left by the artist.

The Collective Mending Sessions is a series of socially engaged workshops centered on collectively mending abandoned quilts. This project cultivates care for cloth and community through the meditative process of slow stitching. The driving metaphorical question behind the collective mending sessions is, “how do we mend our communities?”

Friday, June 16

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Workshop | Protocols for Studious Drift: A Collective Experiment with Campus Infrastructure  

Featuring Resident Academic, Tyson E. Lewis

Duration: 3 hours

Location: NEIU Fine Arts Building FA 202

The workshop will begin by introducing the difference between learning and studying and the importance for thinking about studious drift for redefining the nature of art education today. Emphasis will be placed on the protocol, or short, experimental prompt, as a particular tactic for inducing studious drift. Subsequently, participants will create their own protocols for setting adrift the infrastructure of the surrounding campus. Through these protocols, participants will “study” infrastructure in an inoperative state in order to activate untapped potentialities that breach everyday use through artistic tinkering and hacking.

NOTE: Participants need cell phones and the Padlet app needs to be downloaded. Download Padlet here

Friday, June 16

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Workshop (A) | Botanical Art, Eco-dying and Foraging as Pathways to Non-human Correspondences 

Featuring Resident Artist, Cynthia Gehrie

Duration: 3 hours

Location: NEIU Fine Arts Building FA 203

Join the artist in considering, What is it like to be a plant in the city? 

We will walk around the streets and NEIU campus, take photos and make notes. The workshop opens with a meditation on Not Knowing, Curiosity and space in-Between (Side by Side.) 

Beyond art making, let us explore art being. Let us approach the non-human world with artistic sensing, a knowing that emerges with awe and shared connection. Art engages a process of exploring, expressing, envisioning, integrating, interweaving, surprising, revealing, and healing. A process which actively engages imagining, which humans are using to re-grow relationships between human and non-human beings toward wholeness. Art becomes a verb in being. 

I begin with plants because they are most vulnerable, yet they support the full weight of the animal kingdom. They exist above and below ground – a metaphor for discovery. Their being is interwoven in ways we are only beginning to discover. From the microscopic to the bioregional they are an opening where we might fully engage our human being. 

Friday, June 16

1:00 - 2:00 PM Lunch

Location: Pedroso Center, Building B, Room 159 

2:00 - 3:30 PM Workshop | Sphincter Temporality – a thinking through

Featuring Resident Artist, Hazel Meyer

Duration: 1 1/2 hours

Location: Spaces for Possibility Studio, 3412 W Bryn Mawr Ave

Sphincter Temporality – a thinking through is a participatory project about chronic illness, time, and elasticity. For 45 minutes we will have, hold, and be held by a range of objects, from the desperately mundane (a rubber band) to the obnoxiously fantastical (an Elizabethan ruffle collar), as well as the poetry of Adrienne Rich, the queer world-making prompts to be found in the catalogues housed at Chicago's own Leather Archives & Museum, and the performative footnotes to some body-informed thinking on the potentiality of holes/wholes.

Very much a work in progress (with no desire for an end), Sphincter Temporality- a thinking through uses my own 30 plus years of having a diseased gut as the starting point. Through a slippery and at times inflamed pathway of anecdote, archive, and citation, might we look to this humble hollow organ to complicate our ideas about bodies, interdependence, and care.

Friday, June 16

2:00 - 3:30 PM Talk | The Potential of Laziness

Featuring John Thomure

Duration: 1 1/2 hours

Location: NEIU Fine Arts Building FA 202

A short fifteen minute talk with an extended forty-five minute discussion focusing on how the potential of laziness is outlined by Lafargue and Stilinovic essays in order to identify ways in which the debate around the right to laziness remains present and relevant for today. 

The presenter will strategize with the audience about how the potential of laziness might be utilized in our everyday lives and what laziness can reveal about the nature of our work-driven capitalist society. Perhaps by looking at laziness– the apparent lack of potential which is useless –we can better understand what we really mean when we talk about potential and use.

Friday, June 16

3:30 - 5:00 PM Talk | #Landback NEIU and Beyond

Featuring Fawn E. Pochel and Laurie Fuller

Duration: 1 1/2 hours

Location: NEIU Lech Walesa Hall, LWH 1001

We will discuss the history of our land acknowledgment and action committee at NEIU and the history of Chicago land grabs. Our goal is to imagine and implement best practices for future transitions of land. We envision #LandBack as developing intersectional political frameworks that organize towards collective liberation. We are committed to the freedom and liberation of  Black, Indigenous & People of Color as well as queer, undocumented and other marginalized folks across our University Campuses. While our end vision is Indigenous land reclamation and decolonizing our university (and beyond) practices, procedures and frameworks we are working towards understanding and confronting the intersecting issues that are a result of white supremacy, settler colonial, and heteropatriarchal violence endemic within our society as a result of territorial conquest and chattel slavery.

Friday, June 16

Full slideshow #Landback NEIU and beyond for discussion available here.

To donate to the NEIU Native and Indigenous Student Scholarship:

Please join us in offering support to Native American and Indigenous students at NEIU.

3:30 - 5:00 PM Open Studio

Facilitator, Studio Member Devin Prendergast

Duration: 1 1/2 hours [Drop in]

Location: Spaces for Possibility Studio, 3412 W Bryn Mawr Ave

Members of the Spaces for Possibility Studio Collective host informal studio hours. Participants are invited to do or not do: talk, drink tea, just exist, create, rest, read, learn, meditate, make work.

Friday, June 16

5:30 - 7:00 PM Meet Up at Big Hill

Location: Big Hill, 3307 W Bryn Mawr Ave. 

More to do in the neighborhood:

Spaced Out Studio 

5:00 - 8:00 PM

3256 W Bryn Mawr Ave.

Exhibition Opening Night | Featured Artist, Ken Andjulis