Traditional Custodians

The Djiringanj name for the path from Kalaru to Tathra is Yili-njili (pronounced yili-gili), meaning "The Way".

Bega Tathra Safe Ride acknowledges that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of all land and water and their continued connection with it is respected.

Each Bega Tathra Safe Ride meeting commences with an Acknowledgement of Country.

Bega Tathra Safe Ride is committed to acknowledging the contribution that the Aboriginal community has made to supporting cycling through the use of their lands.

The NSW Bike Week Community Ride is Bega Tathra Safe Ride's major fundraiser and social event and a Welcome to Country is organised through the Bega Local Aboriginal Lands Council for this activity. The ride will include sections of the Bega River Walungari Trail and passes the Bundadung Mountain Bike network built on LALC land, an incredible catalyst for bike riding in the Bega Valley.