Conditions of Entry


September 18 2022, Bega to Tathra NSW

Rider Briefing and Conditions of Entry

Bega Tathra Safe Ride promotes this event as a smoke free event.


1. Start location

Bega Cheese Heritage Centre, Lagoon Street, Bega NSW

The start location is located at the Bega Cheese Heritage Centre in Lagoon Street, Bega

Registration and Covid-19

Registration is at Bega Tathra Safe Ride desk in the grounds of the Bega Cheese Heritage Centre.

You must comply with all Covid-19 requirements for this event.

First aid and toilets are all located here and will be open from 7am on Sunday.

2. Parking

Parking is at the Bega Cheese Heritage Centre Car Park. Follow the signs and directions from marshalls to access the correct parking areas. Check out the locations for parking here

3. Registration and Entry

Online entries can be made on TryBooking from Tuesday August 9th

Registration on the day

Registration at Bega Cheese Heritage Centre starts at 7:15am and must be completed by the commencement of the rider briefing at 8:00am. All riders must complete a signed waiver form (on the back of tickets purchased online) and registration form details - download from here

This document has three waivers on one page to save printing if you have multiple riders in your group.

Registration Times

Registration will be between 7:15am and 8:00am on the day of the event. To speed things up download and print off a registration and waiver form before you arrive.


All riders who have registered online must present a TryBooking ticket at registration.

At registration you will receive:

- 1 x wrist band or other ID that we have organised by then: This must be worn to show you have registered.

You must hand in your signed waiver and indemnity form at registration. You can have someone else register for you but they must bring an indemnity form signed by you.

Once you have completed registration, proceed to the marshalling area for the Rider Briefing. Maintain Covid-19 safe behaviours.

4. Start Time

You must be in the marshalling area for the compulsory pre-ride briefing at 8:00am.

The ride involves a staggered start. We would ask riders to give each other plenty of room and accommodate younger riders on the left hand side of the group. Riders under 13 must be accompanied by their supervising adult. On the road, younger riders (<13 yrs) will be expected to stick close to the fog line and older riders and riding marshalls will occupy space closer to the centre line. Normal road rules must be followed and with riders no more than two abreast. All riders should be at least 1.5m from other riders and keep a safe distance from any vehicles on the road.


The timeline for the ride is:


Riders begin to assemble at Bega Cheese Heritage Centre. Practice Covid safe behaviours.


Registration commences.


Welcome to Country, Rider briefing and other announcements.

Riders leave Bega Cheese Heritage Centre and head west along Lagoon Street towards the Princes Highway roundabout and proceed to ride through Stage 1


Riders stop at pull-over location 1 (4.3 km) East Street bike path termination (north of intersection with Carp Street). Maintain 1.5m distance


Riders turn left onto East Street and head south towards Bega Tathra Road and proceed to ride through Stage 2 (20 minutes), Stage 2 Bega East Street to Tathra Road to Warragaburra Lane (4.0km)


Riders stop at pull-over location 2 (8.3km) Warragaburra Lane. Maintain 1.5 distance


Riders continue through Stage 3 (20 minutes) Stage 3 - Warragaburra Lane to the end of the Jellat Straight (4.2km)


Riders stop at pull-over location 3. (12.5 km) Pull-over location 3 End of Jellat Straight. Maintain 1.5m distance


Riders proceed to ride through Stage 4 (25 minutes) Stage 4 End of Jellat Straight to Evans Park, Kalaru (4.7km)


Riders stop at pull-over location 4 (17.2 km) Evans Park, Kalaru


Riders proceed to ride through Stage 5 (25 minutes) Stage 5 Evans Park Kalaru to Tathra Hotel (4.7km)


FINISH at Tathra Hotel (22km) Tathra Hotel. Maintain Covid-safe behaviours.

5. The route

The ride follows Tathra Road to the Tathra Hotel with some of the ride on shared paths. There are several short, but not too steep hills. The ride is 22 kilometres and will require a reasonable level of fitness

ROAD RULES APPLY! You will be sharing the road with traffic.

Watch out for directions from Platinum Traffic Services personnel and traffic volunteers.

The ride will take less than 2 hours to complete. Riders should carry their own water.

Our traffic volunteers will be carrying water containers if you need to refill. There is water available at Evans Park.

Route Maps

Maps of the route are posted on the event website. As intersections are manned by volunteers it is impossible to take the wrong route. Riders will be spread out.

Recommended Equipment

We recommend you carry the following items:

· Helmet

· Pump or CO2 canister(s), Spare tube(s) or patches

· Mask, hand-sanitiser

· Water

· Sunscreen

· Mobile phone – to arrange pick up in the event of a mishap or equipment failure.

· Wallet – to purchase refreshments and whatever you need at the Tathra Hotel.

Cut-off Times

The aim is to have everyone to the finish by 11am. This means that there will be a need to stay with the peloton at all times. Any rider that is lagging behind badly or struggling to make the designated pull over locations will be given the option of pulling out of the event and provided with support.

Pull over locations

1 – East Street, Bega

2. Warragaburra Lane

3. Wallagoot Lane, Jellat Jellat/End of the Jellat straight.

4 - Evans Park, Kalaru

5 - Tathra Public School

Emergency Vehicles. If an injured rider has to be evacuated, an emergency vehicle may have to gain access to conduct the evacuation. Riders should slow down to let the vehicle pass if required – or stop where directed by marshals.


Please do not throw your gel / bar wrapper or other rubbish on the ride. Shove your wrappers in your pockets until you finish. Do not litter the countryside. Take note of the tidy road. Bega Tathra Safe Ride have been doing regular clean-ups as part of an "Adopt-a-Road" strategy. Remember to #GiveDaneACleanRun and Dane Waites WILL be checking to see that you have done this!


Come prepared with repellent, just in case.

6. Event Safety

Stay in Control

Make sure you ride within your ability and that you are always in control: we don’t want any injuries! Take it easy, especially on downhill sections. You will be riding in a big group so give everyone plenty of room especially younger riders who should be on the left hand side of the lane. You are on the road and must follow road rules. Ride no more than two abreast. Stay 1.5m apart at all times.

Road Safety

You will be riding on Council roads and paths. There will be oncoming traffic so please ride on the left hand side of roads. Be aware and give way when needed. Be careful at all road intersections and where driveways meet the road. Obey the road rules and any direction of traffic marshals.

Refuge Areas and Evacuation Routes

Refuge areas are areas that are safe for groups to congregate in the case of bushfires or very strong winds. If wind conditions became dangerous during the event, course marshals would stop you at the designated pull over locations until it is safe to proceed.

These locations are:

1 – Bega Showgrounds

2 – Wallagaburra Lane

3 - Wallagoot Lane

4 – Evans Park

5 – Tathra Public School

6 - Tathra Hotel

First Aid

Several medical practitioners and trained first aiders will be in the group. They will also provide mobile first aid services throughout the course.

If you pass an injured rider please stop to help them, but be COVID-19 conscious and mask up. Report any incidents to the next marshal you see on the course. A team of sweepers will follow the last riders through the course. They will provide assistance to anyone in need, and divert riders home, should they miss the cut off times.

Emergency Instructions

In case of an incident please follow these steps. To report an incident you should attempt to make contact via step 1. If this is not successful move to step 2 and work your way through accordingly.

Minor Incidents: sprains, fatigue, non-urgent incidents and general reporting if you have safety concerns.

1. Report to the riding marshal if you can’t make the pull over location. Non–urgent evacuations will be made from the pull over locations. Evacuations will be done when there are available resources.

2. Call emergency mobile numbers below (see below).

3. Text emergency mobile numbers

Major Incidents: broken bones, snake bites, severe bleeding, heat exhaustion, hypothermia etc. Please immediately report any bush fire to the Event organiser

1. You or another cyclist need to provide the first response and injury management.

2. Call 000. If your phone doesn’t have reception try 112 which works with all phone providers. Call emergency mobiles (see below).

3. Text emergency mobiles.

4. Call or text event organiser

If you can’t get through on any of the numbers below call ‘000’ or 112 which will use any available mobile network. You must tell them you are participating in the Bicycle NSW Bega Tathra Safe Ride 2022 event.

Event organizer (Emergency Contact 1) 0428 267 956

Ride Director (Emergency contact 2) 0415 260 119

Phone Reception

There is mobile phone coverage on the route. We encourage all riders to carry a mobile phone.

Withdrawing from the Event

If you need to withdraw from the event for any reason at all, do so safely and stay off the road. A support vehicle will assist you. Put your mask on. If you feel unwell during the ride, put your mask on, and stay away from other participants. Get tested. Go home and stay home until your results are known.


We recommend that you have your own personal accident insurance and ambulance cover. The event has liability insurance through Bicycle NSW for all ticket holding riders as temporary members.


Please ensure that you are sufficiently skilled to undertake the event. The course is mainly on bitumen road however parts of Stage 1 are on crushed granite paths. Part of Stage 5 is on concrete shared path. Ride within your limits. Please ensure that you are fit enough to complete the event. Ensure that you are in good health. You CANNOT participate if you are feeling unwell - get tested and stay at home. Make sure you keep well hydrated during the event and take some water with you.

7. Rider Services


Food is available at the Bega Cheese Heritage Centre at the start of the ride and at the Tathra Hotel at the end of the ride.

Bike Repairs and shop

There will not be a mechanic service at the start or finish. However, if you have forgotten to bring something Tathra Beach & Bike is located in Tathra.

First Aid

First-aiders will be available at the start and during the event.

8. Event Rules

· Covid-19 Plan - registration is compulsory and all NSW Health Covid-19 regulations apply.

  • You must be a competent rider, and fit enough to complete the event.

· You must wear a properly fitted Australian standard cycling helmet.

· Bikes must be in safe, working order and comply with road rules

· Children 10-17 yrs can ride; under 14 must be accompanied by an adult

· No littering.

· No smoking.

· Stay with the group.

· Give way to emergency vehicles.

· You must obey directions of marshals.

· Please assist riders that are in need of help.

· You must obey road rules. Do not rider more than two abreast and stay in your lane.

· You must hand in a signed indemnity form at registration. You should have read and understood the indemnity form.

9. Presentation and Prizes

There will be announcements and the drawing of the #Bega2TathraGoAllTheWay Prize ($1000 bike voucher from Tathra Beach and Bike) at the conclusion of the ride and participants will be advised of results via email.

10. Sponsors

Thanks to all our sponsors that are supporting this event and providing goodies and prizes. If you would like to be a sponsor contact us to make arrangements.