Best scientifically proven popular diets

Weight loss is one of the issues that most people care a lot about. So do you know the popular diets that are proven by the scientific community? Those are the most popular and healthy diet methods, helping you to easily get back in shape to your liking, without affecting your health.

There are many weight loss recipes out there. Some focus on reducing appetite, while others restrict calories, carbs, or fat. Since they all advertised as superior, it was difficult for everyone to decide for themselves what was appropriate and worth trying. The truth is that there isn't any one-size-fits-all diet and what works for you, doesn't mean it's right for everyone else.

A review of popular, scientifically proven diets

1. Paleo Diet

Paleo says you should eat the same foods that our ancestors (in the hunter-gatherer days before agriculture developed) used to eat every day. It is hypothesized that the most common diseases today are related to the Western diet and the consumption of grains, dairy products and processed products.

While it's still controversial whether this diet really provides the same foods our ancestors ate, it's been linked to incredibly impressive health benefits.

How it works: The paleo diet focuses on whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, and nuts, and minimizes processed foods, sugar, dairy products, and grains.

Some of the more palatable variations of the Paleo diet also allow dairy products, such as cheese or butter, as well as certain root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Weight loss: Several studies have proven Paleo can bring powerful weight loss effects and reduce your waistline. (1) In many studies, people following the Paleo diet automatically ate extremely few carbs, more protein, and less than 300-900kcal per day.

Other benefits: This diet often reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as cholesterol, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure. (2)

Cons: Paleo eliminates whole grains, nuts, and dairy products entirely, even though they're healthy and nutritious.

2. Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diets restrict all foods or animal products for ethical, environmental and health reasons. Vegetarians often default to not harming animals.

How it works: Vegans not only eliminate meat, but also dairy products, eggs, and animal products, such as gelatin, honey, cheap student whey protein, Casein Protein and one number of types of vitamin D3.

Weight loss: Vegetarian diets seem to be very effective in helping people lose weight – often without many calories – because of their low fat and high fiber content, which keeps you fuller for longer. Vegetarian diets often help reduce body weight and BMI, compared to other diets. (3)

An 18-week study showed that vegetarians lost 4.2 kg more than those who were eating normally. The vegetarian group was allowed to eat until completely full, while the normal group had to restrict calories. (4)

However, calories are still calories, vegetarian diets are often not more effective than other methods. (5) The weight loss due to vegetarianism is mainly due to a decrease in calorie intake.

Other benefits: Plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 obesity, and early death. (6) Limiting processed meats also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and death from cardiovascular disease or cancer. (7)

Cons: Because vegetarian diets completely eliminate animal foods, they often contain very little of a number of nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, iodine, calcium, zinc, and other nutrients. type of omega-3 fatty acids. (8)

3. Low-carb diet

You should read the article What are low-carbs to understand it well! Lowcarb is very popular for decades, especially for weight loss effects. There are several types of lowcarbs menu, but all involve limiting the absorption of carbs into the body to about 20-150g per day. The main purpose of this method of dieting is to force the body to use more fat for energy, instead of using carbs as the main source of energy.

How it works: Low-carb diets focus on unlimited protein and fat content, while minimizing the amount of carbs absorbed. When the absorption of carbs is very low, the fatty acids are moved into the bloodstream and transported to the liver, where some fatty acids are converted into ketones. Your body then uses fatty acids and ketones as its main source of energy, instead of carbs.

Weight loss: Many scientific studies have shown that lowcarb diets are extremely helpful for weight loss, especially for people who are overweight and obese. (9) They are extremely effective in reducing the dangerous amount of belly fat, which can build up around organs in the body. (ten)

People on a strict lowcarb diet often go into a state, called ketosis. Many scientific studies have proven that the keto diet helps to lose 2 times more weight than other calorie-restricted, low-fat diets. (11)

Other benefits: Lowcarb diets tend to reduce cravings and make you less hungry, which automatically reduces calorie intake. (twelfth)

In addition, lowcarb diets can greatly benefit many risk factors, such as triglycerides, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, insulin. (13)

Cons: Lowcarb diets are not usually right for everyone. Some feel very good, effective, but many feel no effect at all. Some even feel an increase in bad LDL cholesterol levels. (14)

In extremely rare cases, strict low-carb diets can cause a serious condition called nondiabetic ketoacidosis. This condition seems to be more common in nursing mothers and can be deadly if left untreated. (15) However, low-carb diets are generally safe for the vast majority of people.

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4. The Dukan Diet

Dukan is a low carb, high protein weight loss diet that is divided into 4 phases – 2 weight loss phases and 2 maintenance phases. How long you can stay in each phase, depends on how much weight you need to lose. Each phase has a unique diet pattern.

How it works: The weight loss phases are mainly based on the unlimited intake of protein-rich foods and oat bran powder. Other stages involve an increase in non-starchy vegetables, followed by some carbs and fats. After that, there will be fewer and fewer protein days to maintain the new weight.

Weight loss: In one study, women on the Dukan diet who ate about 1000kcal and 100g of protein per day, lost about 15kg in 8-10 weeks. (16) In addition, numerous other studies have shown that both lowcarb and high protein diets can provide a host of weight loss benefits. (17)

These include a higher metabolic rate, a decrease in the hunger hormone ghrelin, and an increase in certain satiety hormones (18).

Other Benefits: Apart from weight loss, there are no notes on any health benefits of Dukan.

Cons: There is still too little quality research on the Dukan diet. The Dukan Diet restricts both fat and carbs — a strategy that's not based on science. In contrast, consuming fat as part of a high-protein diet seems to increase metabolic rate, compared with low-carb and low-fat diets. (19)

In addition, rapid weight loss by limiting maximal calorie intake tends to result in severe muscle loss. (20) Losing muscle and minimizing calorie intake can put the body into a state of energy maintenance and make you prone to yo-yo conditions, gaining weight back quickly after losing it. weigh. (21)

5. Super LowFat . Diet

A Super LowFat diet will limit your fat intake to less than 10% of your daily calorie content. Typically, a lowfat diet provides about 30% of its calories from fat. Several studies have revealed this diet to be ineffective for long-term weight loss.

Proponents of the diet say that traditional low-fat diets are not low enough in fat content and that fat intake should remain below 10% of total calories. for health benefits and weight loss.

How it works: An ultra-low-fat diet provides about 10% or less of its calories from fat. This diet is largely plant-based and limited in animal products. (22)

So it's usually very high in carbs - about 80% of the calories and very little protein - about 10% of the calories.

Weight loss: This diet has proven very effective in weight loss for people with obesity. In one study, obese people lost an average of 63kg on a super-low-fat diet. (23)

An 8-week study with a diet containing about 7-14% fat has shown to help reduce 6.7kg. (24)

Other benefits: Scientific studies have suggested that ultra-low-fat diets can improve risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and inflammation. . (25)

More surprisingly, a low-fat, high-carb diet also significantly improved type 2 obesity. (26) Plus, it can slow the progression of multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that affects the brain, nerves, and optic nerve. (27)

Cons: Limiting fat intake can cause long-term problems, as fat plays an important role in the body. They help build cell membranes and hormones, as well as help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

In addition, a super lowfat diet limits the intake of healthy foods, does not have a variety of dishes every day and is difficult to follow.

6. The Atkins Diet

Atkins is one of the most famous low-carb diets for weight loss. Proponents have said that you can lose weight by eating as much meat and fat as possible, as long as you avoid carbs. You should carefully read the article What carbs are to understand it well!

The main reason why lowcarb diets are so effective for weight loss is that it helps reduce your appetite. This in turn causes you to eat fewer calories without having to think about it.

Mechanism of action: Atkins is divided into 4 phases. It starts with an introductory phase, and you'll eat less than 20g of carbs per day for 2 weeks. Other phases will slowly introduce good carbs back into your diet as you reach your desired weight.

Weight loss: The Atkins diet has been studied extensively and found to help lose weight faster than low-fat diets. Many other studies have also noted that low-carb diets are extremely effective for weight loss. In particular, they help reduce belly fat extremely effectively, this is the most dangerous amount of fat, which accumulates in your abdomen.

Other benefits: Many studies have shown that lowcarb diets, like Atkins, can help reduce many risk factors for disease, including triglycerides, cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin, and blood pressure. Compared to other weight loss diets, lowcarbs help improve blood sugar, good cholesterol, triglycerides and many other health factors extremely well.

Cons: Like other low-carb diets, Atkins is extremely safe and healthy for most people, but can cause problems in rare cases.

7. The HCG . Diet

HCG is a strict diet that helps to lose weight very quickly, up to 0.5-1kg in 1 day. Proponents say it speeds up metabolism and burns fat without causing hunger.

See also: What is Metabolism?

HCG is a hormone present in large amounts during early pregnancy. It signals the body of a pregnant woman and maintains the production of hormones important for the development of the fetus. In addition, it is also used to treat fertility problems.

Mechanism of action: This diet is divided into 3 phases. During the first phase, you start taking HCG supplements.

In the second phase, you will follow a super-low-calorie diet, only about 500kcal/day, along with oral supplements of HCG, or injection, spray, spray... This phase usually lasts about 3-6 week/time.

In phase 3, you stop using HCG and slowly increase the amount of food absorbed into the body.

Weight loss: The HCG diet causes weight loss, but many studies have concluded that the weight loss is due to the ultra-low-calorie diet, not the HCG hormone. In addition, HCG has not been shown to help reduce hunger.

Other benefits: Besides weight loss, there isn't any evidence to support the effects or benefits of the HCG diet.

Cons: Like most ultra-low-calorie diets, the HCG diet can cause muscle loss, leading to a reduced ability to burn calories. Excessive calorie restriction can reduce the amount of calories the body burns. This is because your body thinks it is going into starvation mode and so tries to maintain energy.

Besides, most of the current HCG supplements on the market are all poor quality and do not contain any HCG. Only injections can increase the blood volume of this hormone.

Plus, this diet has a lot of side effects, including headaches, fatigue, and anxiety.

8. The Zone Diet

The Zone is a low-Glycemic diet, restricting carbs to about 35-45% of total calories per day and protein and fat to only 30% of each type. This diet recommends eating only low-GI carbs.

The GI of a food is an estimate of how much your blood glucose levels rise after consuming it. The Zone Diet was developed to help with weight loss and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

How it works: The Zone diet recommends balancing each meal with 1/3 protein, 2/3 colorful fruits and vegetables, and 1 small amount of fat, such as olive oil, avocado or almond. Additionally, it limits high-GI carbs, such as bananas, rice, and potatoes.

Weight loss: Many studies on low GI diets are incomplete. Some say this diet helps with weight loss and appetite suppression, while others say the weight loss isn't equal to other methods.

Other benefits: The biggest benefits of this diet are reductions in risk factors for heart disease, such as lower cholesterol and triglycerides. One study suggested that The Zone could improve blood sugar control, reduce waist circumference, and reduce chronic inflammation in people with type 2 overweight or obesity.

Cons: One of the few downsides to this diet is that it limits the intake of healthy sources of carbs, such as bananas and potatoes.

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