
Local Resources

Colorado State Beekeepers Association THE go to site for information about beekeeping in Colorado, events, classes, local beekeeping clubs, bee related businesses, bee forage, legislation, how to report a suspected pesticide kill, where to get bees and supplies. Annual summer and winter meetings are not to be missed! (I'm a past Board member)

Mile Hive Bee Club Denver, CO. Meets monthly with speakers and discussions of seasonal topics. The best bee club in Colorado! (I'm a founder and past President)

Boulder County Beekeepers meets every other month normally, email listserv, online forum (I'm a past President)

Bees and Supplies - Local

To Bee or not to Bee Littleton, CO, Full line of beekeeping supplies, package bees, nucs, queens, monthly round-table discussion. Great resource!

Highland Bees Longmont, CO, Artisanal Boulder County honey, nucs, queens

Prairie Wind Bee Supply, Cheyenne, WY, Package bees and nucs

CoPoCo Fort Collins, CO, Full line of beekeeping supplies, package bees, nucs.

Harlequin's Gardens Boulder, CO, Best selection of pesticide free Colorado native and adapted plants anywhere. Start your pollinator garden here.

Supplies- Not Local

Mann Lake Large supplier of beekeeping supplies.

Dadant Large supplier of beekeeping supplies.

Amazon Please stay away from Amazon for bee supplies. Most are poorly made, off-kilter in some way.

Reliable Evidence-Based Information

Honey Bee Health Coalition Excellent user friendly info on varroa mites, diseases.

Scientific Beekeeping Randy Oliver's site documenting and discussing his scientific research on practical beekeeping issues, also writes for ABJ

USDA Bee Labs Your tax dollars at work.

University Bee Labs (Colorado does not have a bee lab. Time to change that?)

Trade Journals

American Bee Journal Informative monthly trade journal

Bee Culture The other informative monthly trade journal, more casual, a little less reliable

National Associations

Western Apicultural Society Annual meeting somewhere in the west featuring many speakers, workshops, vendors (Zooming now)

American Beekeeping Federation Addresses beekeeping issues on a national scale, webinars, lobbying, hosts annual meeting, often with American Bee Research Conference

American Honey Producers Assn. Similar to ABF, but geared more toward honey production, lobbying, annual meeting sometimes combined with ABF

National Honey Board Firestone, CO, Promotes honey in general, marketing, recipes

International Bee Research Assn. Wales, Established by Eva Crane, promotes the value of bees by providing information on bee science and beekeeping worldwide, several journals including Bee World, Journal of Apicultural Research, Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science. JAR is a peer-reviewed rigorous scientific journal.

Bees for Development Promotes sustainable beekeeping as a means of alleviating poverty and promoting biodiversity

Bee Health

Why did my honey bees die? by Megan Milbraith

USDA Disease Testing Free testing for AFB, EFB, Nosema, chalkbrood, varroa

DriftWatch Registry for hives, specialty crops to communicate and coordinate pesticide applications.

Bee Informed Partnership Large national surveys of colony losses

Honey Bee Health Coalition Addresses specific issues confronting honey bees, best photos of EFB, excellent resources for varroa info.

Tools for Varroa Management downloadable pdf

Incident Reporting Guide for suspected pesticide kills

Non-Apis, Native Bees

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Major pollinator conservation campaign, great information and publications including regional guides for planting for pollinators and how tos for native bee abodes.

USDA/ARS Logan Pollinating Insects Lab Bumblebees, mason bees, leafcutters and more.

Harlequin's Gardens Boulder, CO, Best selection of pesticide free Colorado native and adapted plants anywhere. Start your pollinator garden here!

Crown Bees Mason and leafcutter bee information, clean culture rearing supplies, monthly BeeMail newsletter.