Beekeeping Services

Professional Mentoring & 

Hive Maintenance

Professional Mentoring

      Do you wish your bees would just beehave?  

   Do they wish the same of you?

       All beekeeping is local. We're not California or Massachusetts or Australia.  There's a lot of information out there and it's hard to decide what's good and what applies.  (Hint: STAY AWAY FROM FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE)

   I'll meet with you and your bees.  I'll go through your hive with you, talk about what I see, ask what you've been doing, where you'd like to go with your bees, and answer your questions. We can talk about your next steps with your bees.  I'll do a mite test with you too.  I usually have treatments with me if needed and which I provide at cost. Top bar hive or Warre or ??? No problem.

   I charge $100 for the first hour or part thereof and $60/hour if we go over that.  I may add a travel surcharge if you're more than 30 minutes away, but I'll waive that if I can dovetail you with another client visit.  Most visits take about an hour.  If we finish with your hive before that, I'm happy to hang out and talk bees with you!

A few of the things I can help you with:

  I look forward to working with you and your bees!



Hive Maintenance

   Maybe you just want to have the fun of having bees and getting honey on your property.  Or maybe you're going on sabbatical, taking that dream cruise to Tahiti, resting that shoulder you wrenched while tango dancing, or life just gets busy.  I can provide regular maintenance for your bees on a schedule and fees we can work out.