Language Arts Lesson


Participants will create an Art Talk discussing their Resilience art work.


NC ELA standards:

W.7.3 Write about events or personal experiences.

SL.7.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one on one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.


We are combining two activities into one. Artists create art to express themselves and often by telling the story behind their art creations, make is more understandable and appealing to the observer. This verbalization of the story behind the art, can help us have a deeper understanding of the piece.

Telling stories of resilience is a well researched activity that can have lasting therapeutic impact on the participants.

Have each student plan out a 30-60 second audio tape description of their piece and what it represents. The prompt is” Tell us the story behind your art and what is means to you”

Explain to students there is no correct way to make this artist talk but if students do not know what to say they can start bey describing the piece and why they chose to include different elements of the piece.


  1. The artist is the expert.

  2. Prepare a simple storyline. (One good story is better than a thousand facts.)

  3. Don't forget to breath. Stay calm.

  4. Write it down and practice before recording it.

NOTE: Students should not reveal any personal details that would be identifying or upsetting to any audience listening to the recording.


  • Write short 30-60 second script answering: Tell us the story behind your art and what it means to you?

  • Practice your Art talk at least 3 times.

  • Record it using a computer voice recorder or any voice recording application on a smart phone or computer. Programs like Flipgrid may be used as well. Make sure to label and save your file with your name and class. We will be taking photos of the participant's art pieces and pairing them up with their Art Talk voice recording.


Click to hear Art Talk Example, Transcript below.

Resilience Art Talk Transcript

My resilience piece focuses on objects in my life that have inspired me, have meaning, and have seen me through some tough times. There are art objects like a paintbrush and a crayon, since art has always helped me cope. There are dogs who represent the unconditional love I feel for animals. There are magic symbols to show my awe for unknown. Some objects just have warm memories attached.

I believe we leave an imprint on people and objects we have loved, and they leave their imprint on us. These objects inspired me, but now I have spent a career as a teacher and an artist trying to inspire others to reach their dreams and goals. At the end of every school year, I give my students an object to remember that I believe that they can accomplish anything they want in life. I hope your resilience piece reminds you of all you have accomplished, and all you plan to be in the future.