

Modelos para La Propagación De Enfermedades Infecciosas

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Authors: Fred Brauer, Carlos Castillo-Chávez, Elmer De La Pava-Salgado, Kamal Barley, Carlos W. Castillo-Garsow, Diego Chowell, Baltazar Espinoza, Paula González Parra, Carlos Hernández Suárez and Víctor M. Moreno.

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, ISBN 978–958–8713–65–6.

Full-text: ResearchGate

Book chapters

Assessing the Efficiency of Movement Restriction as a Control Strategy of Ebola

Authors: Baltazar Espinoza, Victor Moreno, Derdei Bichara, Carlos Castillo-Chavez.

Springer International Publishing, Chapter: “Mathematical and Statistical Modeling for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases”, pp 123-145, ISBN 978-3-319-40413-4.

Full-text: arXiv

Journal articles

Asymptomatic individuals can increase the final epidemic size under adaptive human behavior

Authors: Baltazar Espinoza, Madhav Marathe, Samarth Swarup & Mugdha Thakur

Full-text: Scientific Reports - Nature

Transmission dynamics and forecasts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, March-December 2020

Authors: Amna Tariq, Juan M. Banda, Pavel Skums, Sushma Dahal, Carlos Castillo-Garsow, Baltazar Espinoza,...

Full-text: PLOS One

Mobility Restrictions and the Control of COVID-19

Authors: Baltazar Espinoza, Charles Perrings.

Full-textt: Ecology, Economy and Society-the INSEE Journal

Mobility restrictions for the control of epidemics: When do they work?

Authors: Baltazar Espinoza, Charles Perrings, Carlos Castillo-Chavez.

Full-textt: PLOS ONE

Population Mobility and Adaptive Human Behaviour as Disease Control Mechanisms

Authors: Baltazar Espinoza

Full-text: Psychology Journal: Research Open

Epidemics on Networks: Reducing Disease Transmission Using Health Emergency Declarations and Peer Communication

Authors: Asma Azizi, Cesar Montalvo, Baltazar Espinoza, Yun Kang, Carlos Castill-Chavez.

Full-text: Infectious Disease Modelling

The Impact of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination on the Population Dynamics of Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas).

Authors: Candy Herrera, Evelyn Guerra, Victoria Penalver, Andrea Rosas, Yingying Wei, Jack Pringle, Baltazar Espinoza, Baojun Song.

Full-text: Bionatura

Assessing the impact of non-vaccinators: quantifying the average length of infection chains in outbreaks of vaccine-preventable disease

Authors: Sherry Towers, Linda J.S. Allen, Fred Brauer, Baltazar Espinoza

Preprint: arXiv

The role of mobility and health disparities on the transmission dynamics of Tuberculosis

Authors: Victor Moreno, Baltazar Espinoza, Kamal Barley, Marlio Paredes, Derdei Bichara, Anuj Mubayi, and Carlos Castillo-Chavez.

Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling, DOI: 10.1186/s12976-017-0049-6, ISSN: 1742-4682.

Full-text: Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling

Role of short-term dispersal on the dynamics of Zika virus in an extreme idealized environment

Authors: Victor M.Moreno, Baltazar Espinoza , Derdei Bichara, Susan A.Holechek, Carlos Castillo-Chavez.

Full-text: Infectious Disease Modelling

Modeling Ebola at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI)

Authors: Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Kamal Barley, Derdei Bichara, Diego Chowell, Edgar Diaz Herrera, Baltazar Espinoza, Victor Moreno, Sherry Towers, Kamuela Yong.

Notices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), DOI: 10.1090/noti1364

Full-text: semanticscholar

Restrictions of harmonic functions and Dirichlet eigenfunctions of the Hata set to the interval

Author: Baltazar Espinoza and Ricardo A. Sáenz.

Full-text: International mathematical journal of analysis and its applications

Mass Media and the Contagion of Fear: The Case of Ebola in America

Authors: Sherry Towers , Shehzad Afzal, Gilbert Bernal, Nadya Bliss, Shala Brown, Baltazar Espinoza, Jasmine Jackson, Julia Judson-Garcia, Maryam Khan, Michael Lin, Robert Mamada, Victor M. Moreno, Fereshteh Nazari, Kamaldeen Okuneye, Mary L. Ross, Claudia Rodriguez, Jan Medlock, David Ebert, Carlos Castillo-Chavez.

Full-text: PLOS ONE

Technical reports

The Impact of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination on the Population Dynamics of Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas).


Topography and Behavior Based Movement Modeling for Missing Hikers in a Land-Wilderness Context.


Economics of Prison: Modeling the Dynamics of Recidivism


• Comparison of screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at hospital admission and discharge


• A Cost-Effective Analysis of Treatment Strategies for the Control of HSV-2 Infection in the US


• Cheating the Cheaters: Spatial Dynamics in the Evolutionary Stability of Antibiotic Resistance


• The Impact of Preferred Mixing on the Sexual Transmission of ZIKV at the 2016 Summer Olympics


• Mathematical Model for Time to Neuronal Apoptosis Due to Accrual of DNA DSBs
