More Links

Executive Board

Click here for list of current officers and our Constitution and Bylaws.

Meetings and Committees

Click here for listing of Standing  and Special Committees.

Call Book

Here are two Call Sign Database servers which can supply name and call sign information. They are the QRZ Callsign Server and the ARRL Callsign Server. Give them a try.

Universal Licensing System (ULS)

The FCC has established an on-line registration system which can be used to process address changes, renewals, and application for Vanity Call Sign.It is available at the FCC ULS WEB Site.

FCC Forms

The FCC has made many of their forms that relate to Amateur Radio as well as other Radio Services available from a WEB site. These require "plug-ins" for Adobe Acrobat reader but then can be downloaded and printed. And most important, the FCC will accept them.

Items of Interest

There are now several other Radio Clubs within the new bigger Boeing. This links to a list.

Contest - See HF Group


With permission you can access documented features of our facilities.

Control Operators

Information for Donors

RF Safety

The FCC has added RF Safety requirements to radio transmitters including Amateur Radio. Since January 1998, we have needed to know that we are operating within the allowed limits. The FCC has agreed with the ARRL and others to a set of guideline power levels which will meet the requirements without the necessity of performing an actual RF survey. Beyond these limits it still may not be necessary to perform a survey, but some specific calculations must be made taking into account the actual antenna, its location and the actual power being transmitted. 

Posted : 10/25/2023                                                                                                                          WEB Master: John MacDuff, KA7TTY