
Geer, E. A., Barroso, C., Conlon, R. A., Dasher, J. M., & Ganley, C. M. (2024). A meta-analytic review of the relation between spatial anxiety and spatial skills. Psychological Bulletin, 150(4), 464–486.

Chan, E. S., Barroso, C., Groves, N. B., Marsh, C. L., Black, K., Jaisle, E. M., & Kofler, M. J. (2023). A preliminary'shortlist'of individual, family, and social-community assets to promote resilience in pediatric ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 140, 104568.

Barroso, C., Ganley, C. M., Schoen, R. C., & Schatschneider, C. (2023). Between a growth and a fixed mindset: Examining nuances in 3rd-grade students’ mathematics intelligence mindsets. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73, 102179.

Conlon, R. A., Barroso, C., & Ganley, C. M. (2023). Young children's career aspirations: Gender differences, STEM ambitions, and expected skill use. The Career Development Quarterly, 71, 15– 29.

Ganley, C. M., Conlon, R., McGraw, A., Barroso, C., & Geer, E. (2021). The effectiveness of brief anxiety interventions on math test performance. Journal of Numerical Cognition.

Conlon, R., Hicks, A., Barroso, C., & Ganley, C. M. (2021). The effect of the timing of math anxiety measurement on math outcomes. Learning and Individual Differences.

Barroso, C., Ganley, C. M., McGraw, A. L., Geer, E. A., Hart, S. A., Daucourt, M. C. (2021). A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement. Psychological Bulletin.

Barroso, C., Ganley, C. M., Hart, S., Rogers, N., & Clendinning, J. P. (2019). The relative importance of math-   and music-related cognitive and affective factors in predicting undergraduate music majors’ music theory achievement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33, 771-783.

Little, C.W., Barroso, C., & Hart, S.A. (2017). The Precision Education Initiative: Personalized Education. In S. Bouregy, E. Grigorenko, S. Latham & M. Tan (Eds.). Current Perspectives in Psychology: Education, Ethics, and Genetics. Cambridge. UK: Cambridge University Press.

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