Computer Science Basics

As sophisticated computational analysis and methods become more common in biology and chemistry it's becoming more and more important to know how to code and interact with new software. Computational biologists commonly use the computing languages Python, R, and shell command (bash/csh) to write procedures and interface with software and existing program modules.

programming language classification

Using a terminal

a bash cheat sheet

a bash terminal introduction (video)

bash scripting introduction (article)

Jupyter Notebook

what is a Jupyter notebook and how to use it (video)

Python basics

why learn Python?

introduction in a jupyter notebook (zip file)

full python course for beginners (video series)

what is a python package/library? (article)

Useful python packages biologists:

biopython - modules for computational biology and bioinformatics

MDAnalysis - modules for analyzing molecular dynamics simulation data

scikit-learn - modules for performing statistics, data analysis, and machine learning

seaborn - statistical data visualization

pandas - modules for data organization, analysis and visualization

matplotlib - data visualization

R basics

why is R useful? (article)

setting up R and RStudio for Windows (video)

introduction to R and RStudio (video)