"The entire retreat was nothing short of miraculous but in the space of that hour three decades worth of no self-esteem, embarrassment, guilt, hopelessness, severe depression and severe PTSD, I was able to hold my head up and look into my brothers' eyes.”

"It took hope to show up to a program like this and it took courage to fully participate....But the return on the investment of my hope and courage started on day one and continued to grow each day. Connection is an amazing medicine for the wounded warrior....and I am a wounded warrior.”

"The course was nothing short of remarkable. It is hard to put into words the impact this program had on my well being. It was raw and real. I found strength from my brothers and sisters and have gained lifelong friends.”

"For 27 years I've helped fix other people's bad situations. The hardest thing for me to admit was that I was broken now too.....took me 10 years to admit I needed help. I had great fear of the unknown leading up to this retreat but knew it had to be done. Living under such a dark cloud was exhausting for me and my family. This program is a big step in the right direction."

"Knowing there are other First Responders out there feeling similar makes it easier to move forward and seek help. It was very nice to see younger FF's there too. Getting the tools in order to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to our mental health. One can only predict that this next generation of First Responders will certainly benefit from this."

"As first responders we don’t have to be alone. There are many who feel this very same pain and I can see it in many faces. Being compassionate and caring of others and making no judgement has helped to heal my soul. I have learned the the bravest humans are the ones that can cry and show their emotions and still complete the task at hand. I was raised stoic and told to suppress my feelings. I now the damage that caused. Thank you Wounded Warriors, the BCPFFA and David and Duncan."

"I found the program very beneficial. I was having problems and didn't know where to turn. I was worried a one on one experience wouldn't work for me. The group experience was great. Talking amongst your peers that understand how we are really helped me deal with my issues. Thx. This was a life changing program for me."

"This experience, without a doubt, Saved my Life! "

"Many stories were shared, many emotions brought to the surface and many men finding you are truly not alone on your journey."

"This is a "MUST DO" for everyone at one point in their career, beginning or end. True strength is not the ability to know something is wrong but to rather to act on it."

"Our group of guys was amazing, and the trust that was built in such a short time was nothing short of a miracle. It was an amazing feeling to be apart of so many peoples lives in such a vulnerable way. It was just as freeing to allow others in to my life that way."

"I attended the course to learn more of how to recognize and help those suffering and quickly discovered that all of us could use a little help."

"The program was one of the best things that I could have done for myself and my family. I was unprepared for the amount of work that was required, but it was worth every bit of it! I gained tools and became aware of so many resources that make me feel so much more prepared for the remainder of my career. Instead of feeling a weight and concern for what’s to come I am excited and know I will be able to handle the challenges we face in a healthier way. This program gave me back a huge part of myself, I spent a great deal of time and energy just getting through the last little while. Now I am able to identify my triggers and maneuver through challenging moments more quickly with less time wasted on things I can’t control. You guys changed the way I was seeing my world. Thank you!!"

"You are not alone, you are human with human reactions. This program made me feel so much more ready to continue providing by serving people in need. This program saved me from taking a wrong turn emotionally in life."

"I want others to get the same feeling of unloading the back pack.. This program changed the way I will think every day from here out."

"I realized that my journey to healing takes me through a narrow door. It's only wide enough for me to pass through. I have to leave my baggage behind. I was able to do this during the sessions over the four days."

"This has been the most important training and healing I've ever completed during my firefighting career. Thank you. I'll be a better person, father, and firefighter for participating in this program."

"I heard the stories of how it was life changing and reserved judgement until I had gone through it. I have been through plenty of counselling and nothing compares to a trusted peer group."