FirE Fighter

 Resiliency Program

Proudly supported by UBC's Blueprint, 

BC Professional Fire Fighters' Association and 

BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund.

The program is delivered via a partnership between the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters Association (“BCPFFA”) and the University of British Columbia’s Blueprint. The program is administered by the BCPFFA and is currently a user pay program.  The program is administered by the BCPFFA and is currently a user pay program.  Our Movember grant funding ends February 29th, 2024 so participant costs will be increasing to $3000 per person, and can either be paid by the individual, employer, or Union Association depending on individual policies.  

Looking for resources?

https://bcfirstrespondersmentalhealth.com/ is a great start.

Want to talk to a mental health professional who is "culturally aware" of the first responder world? 

 Go here: 

Looking for help?