
I am currently teaching the following courses:

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods. The course is on applied causal inference. We discuss obstacles to causal inference in top economics and political science publications, and learn to implement experimental and observational techniques for drawing causal inferences in R. It is a mandatory course on the MSc program in International Business and Politics.

  • With Zoltan Fazekas: Introduction to Data Science for Business and Social Applications. We introduce basic data wrangling in R's Tidyverse, and supervised as well as unsupervised machine learning approaches. It is an elective course offered through the BSc program in International Business in Asia.

  • With Mogens Justesen: Corruption: Causes, Consequneces and Policies. I teach five sessions of the course, where we cover empirical investigations of the role of business in politics.

I have written teaching materials (in Danish) introducing students to the (Gauss-Markov) assumptions of OLS regression. The target audience is students without a technical mindset. You can find the text here.

The photo to the left is of the students in my 2015/16 methods class, who brought their Stata merchandise to class one day.