How can I infuse mathematics throughout the day and our lives in meaningful, purposeful ways?

"The community provides an environment in which individual mathematical ideas can be expressed and tested against others' ideas...This enables learners to become clearer and more confident about what they know and understand." 

(Fosnot, Constructivism revisited: Implications and reflections. The Constructivist, 16. 2005, p.10)



Connect to current events happening in the world; interpret graphs and data in the media

Canadian Geographic has a number of info-graphics on climate change. 

Integrate throughout other curricular areas

SD38 (Richmond) Mathematics and Science Blog Post

Documenting the authentic numeracy experiences for students as a new playground is installed. 


Walrus Math Investigation

Documenting the learning of a grades 2&3 class as they combined a Science-based project with a mathematical focus. Including investigating a walrus! 

Presentation by Janice Novakowski 

Examples of inter-disciplinary projects demonstrated in the SD38 (Richmond) math studio. 


Math Learning Outdoors

Janice Novakowski from SD38: Mathematics and Science Blog on learning outdoors. Excellent resource for ideas and examples. 


Curriculum for Excellence Through Teaching Outdoors

Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning was published to support teachers and practitioners to enhance learning experiences for pupils.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Maths Outdoors

Place-Based Mathematics.pdf

SD38 Richmond Curriculum Connections

An example of a place-based mathematics project.