
Bayboro Development Center offers:

Six Steps to Being a Success

Re-entry Program 

@ Pamlico Community College

Step one Create a positive image and environment

Studies have shown that one of the main barriers to ex-offenders finding jobs is having the right attitude. Incarceration does little to raise an individual’s self-esteem. Ex-offenders often face so many barriers all at once that it can be hard to stay positive.

Step Two Identify your skills

Employers want to know the key skills you have that will help you accomplish the job the employer needs done. You must identify these keys and skills and then emphasize them on resumes and in interviews.

Step Three Identify job targets 

Ex-offenders often reenter communities that have few job prospects, limited resources, and higher crime rates. If that describes your situation, you should consider moving to an area with more job opportunities (as long as such a move does not violate the terms of your parole).

Step Four Get your documents in order

You will need personal identification in order to fill out tax forms and for other aspects of the job search. If you have not already, be sure to take the following steps as soon as possible.

Step Five Use the most effective job search methods 

Develop a network of contacts. Make lists of people you know, Contact each person in your list in a systematic way. Do you know of any openings for a person with my skills? Do you know of anyone who might know of someone else who might know of a job opening? Contact employers directly.

Step Six Improve your interviewing skills 

Make a good impression before you arrive. Your resume, emails, application, and other documents create an impression before the interview. Dress and groom the same way the interviewer is likely to be dressed. Be early.