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Supco Software Solutions LLC is happy to announce that the Batting Counter / Stats Tracker and Batting Counter / Stats Tracker Pro Android applications are now available on the Google Play Store. Both applications have been updated for the 2020 season.

Batting Counter Pro

There is now a paid version that incorporates all the great features of the original version, but the paid version supports season statistics. There is a capability to import and export data files. This import feature will allow you to convert your 2018 data that was collected using the free version and move it into the paid version. In addition, there is now an ability to email batter data files and comparison data. Several other improvements have been made that should make the Pro version a useful tool for tracking your pitchers across a season.

Batting Counter

The free version is still supported, and any defects related to miscalculations in the data will be fixed in both releases! However, due to the amount of effort needed to support making larger changes and in adding new features, the primary efforts will be spent on the paid app. In 2018, Season stats were only available through getting a code from the developer. In that request, it is stated that the Season stats are a premium feature and would only be available in the paid version. The end of 2018 was that cutoff.

As always, please send any questions, comments, or suggestions to supcosoftwaresolutions@gmail.com!